Need advice on a good photography vest...
I've been looking for something like this safari vest and I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on them? Specifically, sizing for a woman (I am 5'3" tall and weigh about 130lbs), and if you feel that your SLR lenses fit safely in the front pockets. Also, I'm planning a trip to Africa and was wondering if they get too hot?
They can get a little warm - but too warm, well that's pretty subjective.
You can see a pretty good photo of one on the B&H website (here). One thing I really like about them is the mesh venting across the shoulders/back.
As for pockets being big enough for a lenses - oh yeah. The front pockets will hold a couple of "reasonably" sized lenses (EF-S 17-55, EF 24-105, EF 100 f/2.8, for example) each with no problem. I've used the back pockets to hold an EF 70-200 f/2.8 IS.
Lots of pockets to hold lots of gear. One problem - remembering which pocket holds what. Sometimes I look like a bad Columbo impersonator trying to find things. It would be funny if I weren't in a hurry when this happens.
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With hoods (reversed of course), or not?
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As for the hat, I don't think Columbo wore a hat. But I usually do cause them make me look super cool (ok, I dream about that) and around here and in the summer hats can be a life saver. Oh, and they make very good shades to keep the sun off the objective element of a lens.
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Fanboy alert: I love my Think Tank belt system. Keeps my hands free and very easy to swap lenses off and on, even using 2 bodies.
It is easy to carry them, and the weight is nicely distributed on your waist/hips. Plus you don't have to take a backpack off to get to them. Some pics here (I'm the one in the orange coat NOT the orange chiffon!)
Of course kdog may think I swap out too many lenses
-Fleetwood Mac
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Thanks. That beats my cargo shorts then.
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And bodies.
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-Fleetwood Mac
May be a bit overkill in events such as wedding and client functions.
Many hooks and able to mount tons of pouches. No problem for the 70-200 F2.8 lens case.
Consider an army harness. It is lighter and more flexible.
Ordinary fishing vest does not work for cameras. the pockets just too small for lenses and flash gun. No protection at all.
Over the past 20 years have used several, including one no longer made (Kodak) which was excellent. I think the Domke is now the best designed and most comfortable. It holds up well, washes easily, and the pockets are well designed. Now that we don't use film, I have space available. I carry the large lenses in a padded lens case, since they can bang into things if in a pocket. Hope this helps.
I have a couple, one's Domke (khaki) and one Christian (black). Domke has a lot of mesh on the back, but still not enough imho. If I was going to Africa I'd probably sew me one myself, but then again, I know how.
I avoided wearing a photo vest for years for some unknown reason.
My wife presented me with a Domke vest for Christmas a couple of years age and I didn't wear it for months. Finally, to keep the peace in the family; I wore the vest and immediately fell in love with it. Here's what I like about it...
I now have all of my accessories in one place: memory cards, extra batteries, filters, lens cleaning kit, cable releases, notebook and pen. I can also carry a small bottle of sunscreen.
The vest, due to its mesh back, is reasonably cool yet, gives an extra layer in cooler weather. In hot weather; I wear it with just a T-shirt beneath. In colder weather I will wear a shirt or fleece jacket beneath.
I can collect information, such as brochures on the event/location I am shooting and keep them safe and out of the way in the large back pocket.
I first lost items because of the great number of pockets but, I now keep specific items in specific pockets to prevent misplacing them.
My wife has sewn a Velcro strap over the left shoulder which prevents my holster case (in which I carrry a second camera with telephoto lens) strap from slipping off my shoulder.
I can display press passes in the plastic holder that comes with the vest and is attached with Velcro. I can also carry any tickets or related items in a specific pocket. I always like to keep some money (just a few bills) in one pocket so I am never caught short.
By the way, I carry an OPTECH Rain Sleeve in a back pocket. This little protector works well both for rain and for extremely dusty conditions and weighs next to nothing. You might think about one or two of these very inexpensive items for your Africa trip.
I do not carry lenses in my vest because I usually will carry 2-3 cameras with lenses attached.
Robert makes custom vests and they really are awesome. I've had several of his paintball vest and they're incredibly sturdy. I know he used to offer photography vests...but I don't see them there anymore
16-35 2.8L, 70-200 2.8L, 24-105 4.0L