Speed up SmugMug
Hello all,
I use SmugMug primarily as a place to store/display/retrieve images for my web sire: www.montarafog.com
I've encountered some slowness at my site and in the course of looking into it I see that the images coming from SmugMug are making a significant contribution to its slowness. One solution would be to shift some of the key images over to my own server butbefore I do that I wanted to explore here a bit:
1) I currently upload my images in full-size jpg and let SmugMug resize them for my page. Is that causing a delay? Would it be better to upload exact-sized, web-ready images?
2) Are there any settings on SmgMug that would increase the speed?
I use SmugMug primarily as a place to store/display/retrieve images for my web sire: www.montarafog.com
I've encountered some slowness at my site and in the course of looking into it I see that the images coming from SmugMug are making a significant contribution to its slowness. One solution would be to shift some of the key images over to my own server butbefore I do that I wanted to explore here a bit:
1) I currently upload my images in full-size jpg and let SmugMug resize them for my page. Is that causing a delay? Would it be better to upload exact-sized, web-ready images?
2) Are there any settings on SmgMug that would increase the speed?
Putting on images that do not need resizing makes a big difference in load speed...using yslow in Firebug the images went from 500s (milliseconds?) each to about 40 each. My page loads five or six of these so it really adds up...still investigating...
If you're using custom sized images like I saw on your site like this: http://montarafog.smugmug.com/photos/398955304_zgBf3-400x400.jpg, then those have to be generated from scratch on the fly so they will be slower.
You will get the fastest results if you use pre-built sizes that Smugmug has already stored in the content caching network. Those would be the ones with the -S, -M, -L, -XL, -X2, -X3 suffixes and no custom sizes.
If you want a custom size, then you should create the custom size yourself, upload that and link to the -O (original) size. Anything, but custom specified sizes will be much faster.
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From my connection here in Germany, your site took ages to serve up a single page (30s to a minute). This might be just a temporarily glitch, but SmugMug is blazing fast from here. I didn't do any measuring, just tried to view a couple of pages and once your server finally served up the page, the image was there in an instant.
I saw that you used an incomplete url to get the image:
It should be:
As John said, using our pre-defined display copies could be faster.
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