No srgb colorspace showing in Photo Info

digismiledigismile Registered Users Posts: 955 Major grins
edited October 24, 2008 in SmugMug Support
This might not be an issue/problem but more of a tiny smugbug ... :D or more likely an adobebug ...

I recently changed my workflow to Lightroom/PS from years of Bridge/PS. Previously, I would use Image Processor to create my uploads, where I would specify sRGB profile when creating the jpegs.

Now I export directly from Lightroom to Smugmug using the recommended plugin, again specifying sRGB. These photos do not show any colorspace in the info window in my smugmug gallery, yet, if I save it out and open it in PS, it is indeed srgb.

Thinking it was the LR to Smugmug plugin, I used the regular adobe "export" plugin and saved a (srgb) jpeg, and then uploaded it. It also does not show a colorspace.

Now if I open the raw file in PS and save it as an srgb jpeg file, this file DOES show srgb as its colorspace when uploaded.

I see absolutely no difference in the images, so that's why I said that maybe this isn't a problem. Anyone else notice this? or even care? :D

The last two images of this gallery were my test.


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