National Parks

Hi, I'm planning a yearly national park trip next Spring. Will probably be going the first week of May. I am having trouble deciding between Teton, Glacier, and Yosemite National Parks, none of which I have been to. Was wondering if anyone out there have seen all three, and if there are any opinions about which are particularly photogenic? I know each is unique, and I can't go wrong wherever I go, but just wondering if anyone had personal feelings from experience.
My only trip to Yosemite was in mid-March - wet in the valley, snow up high. And I've only been to the Grand Tetons in the summer.
All three parks are gorgeous though, definitely temptations for your camera.
--- Denise
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all are photogenic....
-Willy Wonka
During my short stay (May11-16th), the elk start moving out of the National Elk Refuge in town and headed north. Many of the mama elks will stop at Willow Flats, by Oxbow Bend to have their calves. The moose are also on the move and close to the airport. I saw moose every morning I went out. The buffalo are everywhere and the bears are waking up and looking for food down in the valleys, before heading into the hills.
As I was getting ready for my trip, my aunt told me that a mama grizzly and her 3 cubs had been playing on the banks of Oxbow Bend for a few days. So I begged my spouse and rented the big-a$$ lens, (a 600mm with a 1.8 teleconverter) crossed my fingers and hoped for a good bear hunt.
When I went bear-less on my first two trips I was discouraged, but then I hit the jackpot. I found BEAR!!
#1 - Mama bear
#2 - Bear cub
#3 Mount Moran, Willow Flats and 3 bears
My website has more photos or this trip and the one my husband just took with fall colors.
#4 - Coyote
#5 - Fall Colors, Oxbow Bend
If you are thinking about Southern Utah, (on the way from Teton and Yosemite) then both Bryce and Zion may have periodic spring storms that make for nice shots. Bryce at sunrise and Zion Valley at sunset are classics.
Glacier would maybe be a bit early to see the whole park, but shots from the West side would still be great with all the snow up high.
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When you go to Glacier, watch out for the Going-to-the-Sun road!! That's 52 miles of near terror if you have a fear of heights (my husband) or steep drops (me). I made my husband let me drive, I so that I could be 2 feet closer to the center of the road and away from that steep drop.:whew
Each of the parks will have some access issues depending on how winter affected the park. In Yosemite, it's likely Tioga Pass will not be open. In Glacier, Going to the Sun may also be closed. Some of the outlying hotels may also be closed. Teton is fairly open but like the other parks, it'll be chilly
You certainly can't go wrong with any of the parks in late winter/early spring. So regardless of where you go, you'll have a great trip.
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Are you flying or driving to CA? If the later, then I wouldn't go to the coast.
I am from Florida as well. I went to the Tetons and Yellowstone this year. The Tetons definitely give you a great subject to take pictures of from different parts of the park, and are even visible Yellowstone! We went for 8 days - 3 in Tetons\Jackson Hole and 5 in Yellowstone. Yellowstone is definitely something to consider as well since the parks are so close to each other. In addition to the mountains in the Teton Park, we also saw a great diversity of animals - Grizzly bears, a Wolf, elk and moose. The small town of Jackson Hole south of the Tetons also has some photogenic opportunities.
If you do the Oregon thing and then drive down to Yosemite, I would try to work in as much of the Pacific Coast Highway as you can. On another trip to San Francisco, we drove it from SF down to Big Sur and the scenery is beautiful. Here are some pics:
Big Sur lighthouse in the distance:
And McWay Falls is just a 1 mile hike from the road:
I took a nice long vacation this past September that took me to Yosemite and into Oregon before coming back down. I didn't make it to the coast as I hit Crater Lake instead, so take that into account, but my 4 days in Yosemite weren't anywhere near enough. It was my first visit, and I felt rushed to see everything I could in the time I was there. Even though I rushed, I missed three quarters of the park easy, probably much, much more. Take into account wanting to be in every spot for that "magic light" and 9 days might not be enough!
Not that I want to discourage Oregon, I've seen the amazing photos posted here on DGrin also, but I could plan a hundred more trips to Yosemite and be excited about every one of them!
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