Custom Domain Question

ArkayemArkayem Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
edited October 25, 2008 in SmugMug Support
I have created a custom domain using the partnership automatic method with GoDaddy, and I think everything is set up right now.

My site:

now has a custom url:

However, I don't fully understand what I have done.

If I click on my new URL, it takes me to my site just fine, and the new URL is in the address bar of the browser, but when I click my 'Galleries' tab on the menu, it sends me to my original URL: . Then, when I click Home on my menu, it sends me back to:

Do I now have to go into all my custom HTML and CSS and change all links to reflect the new custom URL? Or will that fix itself after the new URL propogates fully through the system?


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