#11..first thoughts

I have several ideas for this shoot but this is the first one....I call it "Quiet before the storm...brotherly love." Your thoughts please...like or dislike?

EDIT: The second image...is this getting any better or should I try something completely different?:scratch
Practice practice practice!

EDIT: The second image...is this getting any better or should I try something completely different?:scratch
Practice practice practice!

I love it I can here that trumpet blast in her poor ear.
Canon 7D w/BG-E7 Vertical Grip, Canon 50D w/ BG-E2N Vertical Grip, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 580EX II Flash and other goodies.
Ignorance is no excuss, so lets DGrin!
I tend to agree with you! Thanks all for your honest opinions. My focus on the shoots have been alittle off as I am preparing to go on a cruise for two weeks. I leave in 10 days! Woo hoo!
So good.
Thanks idiom for your post. I'm still not sure which I like better or if I should just try and reshoot. This is the first photographer's block I have ever had! :bash
I like the second one a lot more Joyce
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The first one is cute but does not speak loud to me.
I like it a lot!