Cycling team photo
Try as I might, the only photo work I seem to get is cycling... not that its all bad, these are after all my good friends, and I'm in with the community. Anyway, it was team photo time:

I have a few more poses here. They came out OK, definitely good enough for the team's needs - a cover shot for their resume/sponsorship proposal. But I feel like they don't have pop, or are lacking something. Anyone have any suggestions? There's good color in the scene, nothing too distracting, light was good (a little too "in their eyes", but not bad).
I did post seperately about how I tried to use a remote slave flash for fill, but couldn't get the darn thing to fire anywhere but 2 feet from my master. At this point, I feel that might have helped, but not convinced.

I have a few more poses here. They came out OK, definitely good enough for the team's needs - a cover shot for their resume/sponsorship proposal. But I feel like they don't have pop, or are lacking something. Anyone have any suggestions? There's good color in the scene, nothing too distracting, light was good (a little too "in their eyes", but not bad).
I did post seperately about how I tried to use a remote slave flash for fill, but couldn't get the darn thing to fire anywhere but 2 feet from my master. At this point, I feel that might have helped, but not convinced.
Since 2004...
Looking at your photos I wish I was there....I could of helped you from what I have learned from the mistakes I have made with team photos so far this season.
Sorry bro to let you down.
I don't have the luxury of good times like you have. Sun was setting fast and without my fill flash, I got pretty screwed. I should show you the results I got yesterday doing T and brother's portrait. It's amazing what fill flash does, it really would have saved this shot. I'm PS'ing the team now, but it's looking fake.
Yeah, way to take my lens and run. Jerk.
don't return my emails, ignore my IM's, i think it may be over.
and small and pathetic is good - we're groveling for sponsorship money after all...
ladder, right? I'd like to see more lower angle shots and possibly also
at different angles to the sun (long shadows).
Flash might not have worked for you but I bet a big ole reflector might
have worked well.
Lastly, it seems like there's too much space between team members. Maybe
a bit tighter would have been good?
next year I'll improve. I don't get to take team photos every week like Miss Winger...
I have only taken 6 team photos....there mr doctor there :-P
I also when ever I shoot I always take the safe shot first the camera set up on a tripod, nothing fancy....two poses serious and smiling....then i work the angles and if i have time I move em around.
I think for baseball this saturday it will just be the normal straight on shot and maybe one on my knees and I dont know what else.............they are kind of being a pain.