Is it possible to upload directly from bridge CS4
I keep dipping in here looking for an answer but I cannot find one. I loved the loader to Smugmug from Bridge CS3 but I cannot find the equivalent in CS4. I am sure I will feel silly when you point it out.
Huge thanks,
Huge thanks,
But really, use the Simple Uploader, it works fantastico - just drag from Bridge to your Browser window.
Sorry about no CS4 uploading!
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Thanks for the quick reply. I had my suspicion when I saw the work that they have done for the Adobe gallery hosting. I really try and avoid installing Java on my Vista machines but I am running out of options; Bridge CS3 does not open after the CS4 upgrade.
Finally I wish to congratulate you on the superb speed of the site recently from the UK and from France. Your hard work and investment is really showing.
Thanks again,
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and if true, of infinite importance. The only
thing it cannot be is moderately
important." C. S. Lewis
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Install the Send to SmugMug by Omar Shahine. Open Bridge CS4, Edit/Preferences / File Type Association scroll down to Jpeg and click on the little arrow on the right side. Scroll down to Browse, go to the folder where Send to SmugMug was installed and sellect Send to smugmug.exe. Click Open to confirm the selection then OK to close the Preferences window. Now right click on a Jpeg file inside Bridge, select Open With and you will notice an "1.1" in the list that will open. Select 1.1 and voila..the file will be sent automaticaly to SmugMug.
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I guess my confusion is that dragging the first from where I saved it makes sense ( although requiring extra disc space in order to have a 'finished' jpg )
but what about the second case? Does dragging that to the uploader consolidate all my changes to that point before upload?
Are you saying that I'm getting the second option 'automatically?' I ask because on cursory examination it didn't seem that way.
Thanks for helping with my fog clearing ( and I REALLY like Smugmug )
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Tnx Andy, have a great weekend!