How about a custom pricing field or lightbox? used for album selection.

modernmethodmodernmethod Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
edited November 2, 2008 in SmugMug Support
It would be great to have a few customizable pricing fields. It would have a cost of zero just like the licensed download items, but you could edit the name of the field to say, for instance, "album selection." My clients could use this to pick which photos they want for their album. It would basically be a glorified favorites system. Once they have made there selections I would get an email with all of the file names that they have chosen.

A lightbox system would be pretty awesome too. that way the clients could easily go aback and review their selections, and edit them if needed.

i just don't want to have a different gallery somewhere with identical content that would be used for this single purpose.


  • shfayashfaya Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited November 2, 2008
    It would be great to have a few customizable pricing fields. It would have a cost of zero just like the licensed download items, but you could edit the name of the field to say, for instance, "album selection." My clients could use this to pick which photos they want for their album. It would basically be a glorified favorites system. Once they have made there selections I would get an email with all of the file names that they have chosen.

    A lightbox system would be pretty awesome too. that way the clients could easily go aback and review their selections, and edit them if needed.

    i just don't want to have a different gallery somewhere with identical content that would be used for this single purpose.
    I have found a similar request in forum from 2003. As for me the favorit option is a realy something that should be done long ago. \\\\\\\the true is that in 2003 it was said that it is in preperation but it is not prepeared by 2008 so i guess i have the right to ask why not?
    just recently a client asked me to sell him 5 photos he have in his shopping card. How i can see what he has there? Unswer is i can't. I can not see what people choose and than i can't give them any better price.

    I request from smugmug to revise the posts from 2003 and please do something about the favorites and coupon options.
    Miro Slav
    smooth photography of...
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited November 2, 2008
    We know this particular feature is important to our pros. We'd like to have it and we're presently having some discussions about how it could be implemented, thanks for telling us how important it is to you!
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