Search issue
I just tried to search for some photos on my smugmug site -
I typed "you am i" (no quotation marks) and no photos showed up. I know there are photos with this tag in at least two galleries - they can be seen at and
Why isn't the search picking them up?
Regards, Richard
I just tried to search for some photos on my smugmug site -
I typed "you am i" (no quotation marks) and no photos showed up. I know there are photos with this tag in at least two galleries - they can be seen at and
Why isn't the search picking them up?
Regards, Richard
Those 3 words are no good search words, I'm afraid. They are common parts of English sentences and might get not get indexed. They are pretty short too, which reduces the chance of them getting indexed. There's not much you can do about that. Sorry.
You could add a link to the keyword page on your homepage, to have all photos with the 'you am I' keyword displayed:
SmugMug Support Hero
This is a serious issue for me and I am not satisfied with the answer given above. The Who are one of the greatest rock bands in the world and
You Am I are one of the biggest rock bands in Australia yet I can't search for photos of either using the SM search engine.