Any way to bulk delete hidden photos?
I searched the forum for a little while and didn't see that this was already addressed, so here goes...
due to the amount of photos I am working with and uploading, it makes it a lot easier to go through the gallery once it is uploaded on smugmug (takes too long to preview each file from RAW either in bibble or lightroom). I go through the galleries, and check off "hide photo", because takes too long to delete each one manually. In the bulk delete page, there is no indication whether a photo is marked as hidden.
Is there a way to bulk delete hidden photos? If not, can this function be added? (so this may go into the feature request thread)
thank you,
due to the amount of photos I am working with and uploading, it makes it a lot easier to go through the gallery once it is uploaded on smugmug (takes too long to preview each file from RAW either in bibble or lightroom). I go through the galleries, and check off "hide photo", because takes too long to delete each one manually. In the bulk delete page, there is no indication whether a photo is marked as hidden.
Is there a way to bulk delete hidden photos? If not, can this function be added? (so this may go into the feature request thread)
thank you,
No, there isn't a way to do that. The hide function was intended to keep certain photos private, but we never thought of people using it like that. You could add it as a feature request to the feature request thread.
In the meantime, I would rather recommend using the 'delete photos' tool. It'll show you a thumbnail of all photos in a gallery and you can easily select photos by clicking on them - then when you've gone through all photos, click the delete button in the tool to get rid of all photos that you don't want.
You can even get a larger preview of any photo by holding your mouse over the 'i' icon in the bottom right corner of the thumbnail.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thank you for your help, I'll add this to the feature request thread
If you do that first, you'll safe a lot of uploading time. Depending on your upstream, of course. And you'll also safe money and resources for SmugMug.
SmugMug Support Hero
I would second this request. This would be genius - if i could have a button for 'select all hidden photos' on the delete photos page.
The reason your approach isn't as good is because you don't see full-scale pictures on the delete photos screen.
Ah, the original poster has a workflow similar to mine. No doubt he has a big pipe like mine as well. :-}
I upload everything and then hide/delete the photos that I don't like or that are redundant. I'm paying for unlimited storage, and the onus is not on me to save money or resources for SmugMug. (Also, I like having backups.)
Only difference. I have Phanfare, whose desktop client makes this a breeze.
SmugMug could do this. Heck, I would argue that they *should* make it easier for people to quickly hide or delete photos because it would reduce their bandwidth and storage costs. (Yes, I know that I also want "Copy to Another Gallery" which would increase storage costs. Let's call it a wash.)
I've got a dead simple solution: Keyboard shortcuts. You can already flip through your photos quickly with the left- and right-arrow keys. You can also go forward and backwards through pages of thumbnails by holding down shift and using left/right arrows (cool, huh)?
Even cooler would be if the "H" key hid the photo you were currently looking at (and yes, a [post=946766]visual indicator on the thumbnail[/post] would be a really good idea.)
And how great would it be if "D" prompted you to delete the photo, and if instead of taking you to a completely different page, it simply popped up an overlaid window to confirm it (OK or Cancel).
Think about how quickly you could whiz through an album, hiding and deleting images, thereby saving SmugMug valuable bandwidth and storage!
and yes, I have a fat pipe
(I rediscovered it while perusing SmugMug's JavaScript to see if I could find any reason why the Alt key gets trapped when using the arrow-keys in a gallery in Windows.)