Prague Cemetery (B/W)

Hi everyone, seems like I'm in Other Cool Shoots all the time of late - I'm not doing people, landscapes or sports - just quirky stuff :wink
Anyway - here's some photos I took in August 2007 in a Prague cemetery.
I went back and re-processed them in LR2 with what I've learnt and found the results to be much more like what I wanted.
Here's a link to 5 in my smugmug gallery and here's a couple for your (hopefully) enjoyment in post


Cheers, Jase
Anyway - here's some photos I took in August 2007 in a Prague cemetery.
I went back and re-processed them in LR2 with what I've learnt and found the results to be much more like what I wanted.
Here's a link to 5 in my smugmug gallery and here's a couple for your (hopefully) enjoyment in post


Cheers, Jase
Jase //
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
The B&W is nicely done.
Did you make the adjustments on LR2 directly on B&W watching the result or it was simply converted from the color work after adjustments ?
I really like the lighting and post processing, really gives them an errie feel.
Very nicely done!!!
Burleson, Texas
I'm stoked the way they turned out - the last time was a really simple BW conversion and I always felt it lacked something - not anymore!
To answer Antonio's question - I've been determined to learn LR2 better and have been going through Scott Kelby's new LR2 book. He has one chapter on converting colour to BW with high contrast and I really like the effect it gives, although sometimes I have tone it back a bit as it can lose some definition if you go over the top.
So yeah they all started life as colour RAW files
The coolest thing is from there - the high contrast BW - you can really easily move it to a split tone ala this one:
or this one:
I've finally been able to make the jump from RAW+JPG to just shooting RAW and I'm sooooo much more happy with the results now
Cheers, Jase
Jase //
It's it a little bit IR type ?
It looks pretty good.
Thanks Antonio! I really love the way those Florence shots turned out - so much more interesting than the colour versions!
I have no idea how close split tones may get to IR as I have no experience with IR at all
Cheers, Jase
Jase //
Jase if you wanna live in OTHER COOL SHOTS its fine with us
Cemetery shots in B&W or Sepia or Infrared really have a lot of feel to them.
I like your take on things Jase, and the extra shots you posted in this thread are really cool too.
Scott Kelby really knows his stuff, I have a couple of his books,
I just got the 7 Point System back out again to go through it again.
Thanks for sharing, great processing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thanks Skippy for the nice comments
After like 3-4yrs of no slr i'm really enjoying it all again
Cheers, Jase
Jase //