Foxfire vs Smugmug and Adobe

BittasaBittasa Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
edited November 3, 2008 in SmugMug Support
I have been trying to see the slideshow in galleries at: and cannot get the slideshow button to work in any of the galleries but the slideshow on the home page works but it is not full screen. The button does work on a different computer using IE 7.0xx with Adobe Flash Player Active X and Adobe Shockweave Player 11 installed. When I rightclick an image in slideshows on the site it says he has Adobe Reader 9.0 but I do not see it in his add remove part of programs.

I have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave 11, and Adobe Flash Player Active X installed on the machine using Foxfire.

I get this error in my error console in Foxfire Error:

load is not defined Source File:
Line: 10

Is this keeping the slideshow button from working and if so how can I fix it?


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2008
    Hi, what is this code?

    addEvent(window,load, enableSlideshowOptions);

    function enableSlideshowOptions()
    if (YD.hasClass(document.body, fsSlideshow))

    That's causing your error.
  • BittasaBittasa Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
    edited November 3, 2008
    Where would I place this code bio box?

    This is now what I have in Java Script box:

    if (hasPath("galleries"))
    YD.addClass(document.body, "galleries");
    addEvent(window,load, enableSlideshowOptions);

    function enableSlideshowOptions()
    if (YD.hasClass(document.body, fsSlideshow))

    Also note, in doing some comparing of Adobe between my husbands computer and mine. I found that by going to and clicking on the security settings it brings up security on my machine. Changing settings to this made the slide show work for me:
    Storage Settings Allow 3rd party and Store Common need to be marked
    Local storage set at 100
    Privacy Allow & Remember need to be checked
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