How to sync SmugMug with drive (Microsoft Sync Framework?)
I saw on some blogs a press release from June 2008 about this being available but I can't find where to get the software or how to configure it if the required software is already on my machine. Is this available now or something that is coming in the future? I tried some searches but keep finding the same things. I'm a SmugMug customer at one of the medium levels (forget the name of it) and can't find any info on the web site.
I currently use Picasa on the desktop and the SmugMug plug-in for that which works great but doesn't track what has been uploaded to SmugMug and what hasn't and it doesn't have a bulk upload feature.
Links/Info/Pointers all welcome.
I currently use Picasa on the desktop and the SmugMug plug-in for that which works great but doesn't track what has been uploaded to SmugMug and what hasn't and it doesn't have a bulk upload feature.
Links/Info/Pointers all welcome.
I think you are looking for SmugDAV.
Thanks! I think that is what I was looking for.
I have a very large number of folders named for their contents with photos inside those folders that are not named in a related fashion (from ScanCafe). I want to upload all of these and share them with a set group but doign each one will be hard and I don't want to lose the names as we worked hard to make sure all the envelopes of negatives were labeled correctly.
Suggestions welcome and yes i am looking at some of the tools on that page now.
yes, we integrated with MS sync framework, well we made API changes to enable integration. MS were updating their SyncToy application but i'm not sure if it has been released yet.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
MS released 2.0 in August 2008 but if I understand correctly this still wouldn't allow me to sync new stuff on my PC to my SmugMug space right?
Currently I am experimenting with "Send to SmugMug" but it is only a slight improvement over the SmugMug plugin for Picasa (a huge one if you don't run Picasa). Not really what I want and I've probably once again spent more time trying to automate than doing it all by hand would have taken. Ahhh the drive of an engineer...