DailyPhoto Community Theme

In the Daily Photo Community, the theme used, which seem to be the default for all communities, has a font setting that renders the COMMENTS font blurry and slightly distorted. you can see this in the first photo displayed here.

Removing the word BOLD from the CSS code - see next photo - seems to eliminate the problem.

The result looks like this -

I am not an expert in CSS, however I would assume that this change would have to be made at the GURU level to make this a universal correction.
Thanks for listening.

Removing the word BOLD from the CSS code - see next photo - seems to eliminate the problem.

The result looks like this -

I am not an expert in CSS, however I would assume that this change would have to be made at the GURU level to make this a universal correction.
Thanks for listening.
"Never leave home without a camera"
"Never leave home without a camera"
It's not possible for use to change the community theme, I'm sorry.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
BTW - notice that the BOLD lettering is only applicable to the COMMENTS. I believe that this was an oversight on the designers part during the proofing process. The lettering in the rest of the theme is displayed normally.
It is not my intention to change the theme, only to have the ERROR rectified.
"Never leave home without a camera"
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Also, just to be sure, you are talking about the photo-captions, not the comments left by others, right?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Photo A Day (2008)
"Never leave home without a camera"
Yes, it seems to affect only the captions. I was able to experiment with the developer tool on Firefox and removed the BOLD, only until I closed the CSS editor.
"Never leave home without a camera"
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
It does not matter where the gallery is displayed. Either on my own site or the community site.
Whenever the SmugMugBlack gallery is used the problem arises. When I edited the CSS in developer mode, the THEME I edited is labeled "smugmugBlack-20080926164501-stretch.css". This you can view in the 2nd screen shot I attached.
Hope this makes it clearer.
Addendum--- Attaching screenshot for clarity
"Never leave home without a camera"
Can you please give me a direct link to the exact same page where you made the screengrabs from the first post?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
To contrast that page - go to this one where the community setup seems to be the Carbonite theme.
If you select one of my photos from the DailyPhotos community you will notice that the community is set to SmugMug Black theme and that is where the BOLD indicator is in the CSS.
"Never leave home without a camera"
Her 'default' theme is set to 'black and white', so the popular pages take on that theme, also.
The bold lettering in the caption is the way that theme was designed.
What you see is the default SmugMug look. The DigitalGrin community has no specific cobranding set.
The default code (when you have custom code) does have the bold statement, always. Some themes are coded so it's not bold anymore, some are not and keep the bold font.
I'm still a bit lost on what the bold statement has to do with the Hillary's pages, and the community to be honest
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug