Jack O' Lanterns

This years batch for Halloween. I had so much trouble with the PP on this
photo. Everything I tried only seemed to make matters worse for color et...
In the end I pretty much gave up with processing effort and let it go at this

Some of the tools used for the task. Come next year I hope to make some
custom tools for hand detailing surface designs.
photo. Everything I tried only seemed to make matters worse for color et...
In the end I pretty much gave up with processing effort and let it go at this

Some of the tools used for the task. Come next year I hope to make some
custom tools for hand detailing surface designs.

That's some serious hardware being used to carve the pumpkins!
Ohhhh boy you guys really take this Halloween stuff seriously don't you
Is it a messy job carving the pumpkins?
I've never seen anyone do it, its a very American/Canadian thing this Halloween stuff.
Your very good at using those tools I must say.
The end results look great! do you put lights inside them or candles?
Thanks for showing your before and after shots.
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Thank you summerz! Glad U like.
Appreciate your thoughts Azzaro. Thank you.
Agreed, the sawzall was a bit over the top. Which is the only
task I asked it do. My son turned the pumpkins and I cut the lids out with
it while he did. Then I put the big brute aside. Only took a couple of
quick minutes to carefully cut the tops off. I figure I shaved a couple of
bucks off the cost of that saw.
What a great Collections of Jack o'Lantern's.
I really loved seeing the tools you used, very inventive of you.
Very nicely done!!!
Burleson, Texas
My thanks for your comments. They are appreciated!
Thwack, I remember the day I first thought to use my little jigsaw on a
pumpkin that was giving me grief. Actually they all were.
It just blew through the job. The experience left me thinking, "now thats
the way to fly". I've got even more serious with the tools since then.
the Canadians are as well. Thanks for making me check that part out
cause I didn't know they were into it also. Then I had to check out
other traditions in the similar vein around the globe. I now see many
countries have related holidays. Found this information link.
Carving the pumpkins is not too messy at all.
I keep a bucket of water near by to constantly rinse my hands.
Things get really slimy.
We use candles to provide the light. A small flashlight also works well.
There are various types of small LED lights that change colors, pulse on
and off at different speeds, et..... These are cool to use also.
Thanks for your comments and I'm pleased you like the pictures.
Thank you very much Craig!!! Nice of you to say.
Next time around I will have to provide better pictures of the small hand tools.
Really can't see much detail of those in my picture.
I've seen real carving tools used before with great results, but hadn't considered a jigsaw (and the sawzall for taking off the top is genius!).
Thanks Bill. Appreciate your commenting & the chuckle I got.
Thanks Craig! My family picked out the patterns save for the melting one.
Another Dgrinner didn't get a chance to post a pic of the tools they used,
so I thought since I did have a chance I would. I know seeing other
peoples carving tools helped me make choices. Same kind of deal with
photography. Yes?
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Know what you mean in that recollection of yours. It is a bit embarrassing
in considering after the fact knowing the shop is full of sharp tools
of every description, perfect for the job,
yet our mind wanders no further than the kitchen utinsels as used by
generations before us. Bends the Ol' mind thinking of all the other
things that could be done better using different tools. Gads, I better
shake that line of thinking somewhere along the line as I better get
out and vote. Then again, maybe I shouldn't shake it.