What's the rule for where moved images get positioned?

I have moved a few images recently from one gallery to another and whee they end up in the new gallery seems to be random. E.g. one ended up on page 3 of 10, in 9th position, another on page one in third position.
What's the rule for what position in the gallery moved images end up in?
What's the rule for what position in the gallery moved images end up in?
Do you have the gallery set for autosort? If so, the new images end up sorted by whatever attribute you have selected (filename, upload time, time picture taken, etc...).
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Indeed I do have them set to autosort - in descending order in fact so normally new images show up first.
This is my very point, they are turning up totally unsorted despite auto sort being applied
By caption
By filenames
By date uploaded
By date modified (if available)
By date taken (if available)
Could it be that the gallery your photos are moving into is set to sort in a way that you didn't expect?
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Descending order, but what type of sort? Date uploaded? Date Taken? Filename? There's no option for date moved into the gallery so it's going to be one of these other ones. If you want to tell us how your sort options are set, give us a link to the gallery and a link to the image you think is out of order, we'll take a look at the exact case.
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Under customize gallery set the sort to "none" and "ascending" and then under
the tools button sort however you like. The sort under the tools is as instant,
one time sort and later any new photos added to the gallery will fall at the
end where you can find them. Then use sort again under tools when done.
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sorry - yes - date uploaded
e.g. here
Thanks for that Allen , but I would never remember that, I mean I would te first time I use it, but hopping from Gallery to gallery on the intermittant occasions I use it would be difficult - the point is though that this used to work perfectly - it has only changed very recently
EDIT: I might remember it but it still doesnt explain whats going on.....?
I realise there is no literal auto sort - they are sorted by date uploaded in descending order
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
If you have your gallery sort direction set to "decending" and auto sort set to "none" this will happen. What should happen is the existing pictures in the gallery should stay put and newly uploaded pictures go to the top. But it is broken. I have been complaining about this for months. With the recent new fixes I expected this problem to be fixed too, but no!
Until this is corrected, I have to leave my sort direction set to ascending, which means every time I upload a picture I have to use the arrange tool, which takes forever to load its thumbnails, and then move the new picture to the top. A real pain in the @?#! It took a long time to get anyone to acknowlege this problem. A fix was promised, but it has never come.
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I mentioned something about this a long time ago, but didn't get much of a response, so I figured it was just a temporary quirk or something on my end. But, it's never gone away. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with it all that often, and I only have a few of my galleries set this way. There is a possibility that "date uploaded" may work with the nature of my daily gallery...I don't think I've tried that yet. Anyway, I hope it can get fixed sometime!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography