First images with my new D700

Love the ergonomics and other features of this camera as compared to my D80. These were taken with a Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR G-AS at f/16 1/400 iso 1000 @80mm
I still haven't figured out all the bells and whistles on it but I thought these came out pretty nice considering that it was a dreary overcast cold day.
As always C&C much apprectiated.

100% crop from the original.

I still haven't figured out all the bells and whistles on it but I thought these came out pretty nice considering that it was a dreary overcast cold day.
As always C&C much apprectiated.

100% crop from the original.

Looks like we'll be learning the D700 at the same time. I'm just starting to play with mine too. I've loved the D80 but I look forward to the expanded abilities the new camera will afford me. I was late coming into the digital world and I am anxious to get back to the full frame system, mainly to the familiar performance of all the great lenses I had for my F4 and F5. Good luck with you new purchase.
Great minds think alike!
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks for commenting. Not sure why a tighter crop would be better. I wanted to balance the tree on each side with the smaller trees that still had their leaves.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Congrats ! waiting for more images
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I tried out my cousins for about 1/2 hour a month ago. Being a canon shooter I didn't have time to figure out all the buttons but it seemed like a real nice camera.
Thanks Awais. The view here is spectacular. I'm waiting for a nice blue sky day to return,
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks Schnauzer. It's quite different from my D80 but but I am getting used to it.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose