
Found this on the net, creepy, or what? please can someone help me with posting pics on here, im uploading from my pc to and then copying the address and pasting it in the insert image box that appears when u click the 5th icon from the right (above)i seem to be left with the imageshack ad banner.
MOD EDIT: I tried to turn this into a link instead of an embedded image (dgrin policy for images that are not your own), and I broke the link. Sorry. Please edit and include the URL of the image only. Thanks!
MOD EDIT: I tried to turn this into a link instead of an embedded image (dgrin policy for images that are not your own), and I broke the link. Sorry. Please edit and include the URL of the image only. Thanks!
Hi TA-2D,
Removing the image and leaving only the add should supply you with the information that you need to remove.
Now you can right click on the FREE IMAGE HOSTING at ImageShack and go to properties... that's the line you need to remove
You should see this .... IMG][/IMG
(I removed the bracket at the front and end to let you see, otherwise the add would show as a picture again)
So when you take that line out there will be a bracket at both ends [IMG][/IMG]
But be careful if you are posting images that are not yours to avoid copyright issues please.
... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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