Cropping thumbnails not working
I've just tried (twice) to crop photos in gallery
Initially it looked as if the crop worked, but now the cropped thumbnails have reverted.
Looking at the thumbnail URLs for the final photo in the album, compare the following:
To my eye, it looks as if the -1 and -3 thumbnails are the ones that I meant to generate by the crop thumbnails process. However, something then immediately re-cropped the thumbnail back to the original (hence the -2 and -4 thumbnails)
Initially it looked as if the crop worked, but now the cropped thumbnails have reverted.
Looking at the thumbnail URLs for the final photo in the album, compare the following:
To my eye, it looks as if the -1 and -3 thumbnails are the ones that I meant to generate by the crop thumbnails process. However, something then immediately re-cropped the thumbnail back to the original (hence the -2 and -4 thumbnails)
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Most of the thumbnails were cropped to square (using the 1:1 drop-down in the crop photo page)
Let's stay here, okay?
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square. Can you try again?
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OK (though I did mention to the helpdesk that there was a dgrin thread on it).
I guess that you've got the reply that I just sent the help desk a moment ago.
Can you completely clear your cache, close and reopen please?Thanks.
No worries on the email, I just didn't wanna lose any time for you.
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* I've cropped by itself
* I've cropped photos 13 to 24 in the gallery using my accelerated technique, and the crops seem to be holding.
It must have been a transient phenomenon.
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Actually Andy, I'm having the same issue and there does not seem to be a clear pattern.
Sometimes when I crop one and then another, the previous crop reverts. Now, every crop is reverting.
I'm doing single crops from the new tools button/menu. I am using Firefox 3.0.3 in case that matters. I have cleared the cache, shut down the browser, etc.
I was working in this gallery
But only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be. - John Keating
(I haven't touched the gallery since my previous post)
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Thanks for your persistence, guys.
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Here's what I did so you can try it... Set the gallery setting to original... Then go into the tools and crop the thumb to some odd ratio, just to make it very noticeable. Hit save... Go back to the main set of thumbs... do not wait to long or you'll miss it... you should see you newly cropped goofy ratio... now refresh the page several times.... the thumb goes BACK to the original crop...
If you are setting the crops to square in the gallery settings and try a 1x1 you might never notice if you wait too long to return to the gallery to look...
OK that's the issue... sorry I do not know how to fix it...
Oh, and what happened to the pop up on the customize screen when you selected a new ratio? It used to ask it you wanted it to apply to all current thumbs...
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