Smugmug Watermark won't stick

I've been trying with no luck to get the smugmug watermark to apply to one particular gallery and for some reason it won't stick no matter how long I wait afterward s
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The 4th and 7th did but not 1,2,3 and 5 and 6 I'll assume won't because it's a GIF
Unlisted Gallery
The won't watermark, they are too small.
Photos need to be >800 px on the longside
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I had another watermark which these photos were marked with but I made a less intrusive one and have put it on every other gallery I have, for some reason though it won't stick with this one.
I've tried removing watermarks (which is the current state) adding both the new watermark and the smugmug watermark through the customise gallery and the tools section but for some reason they just won't stick.
All images are over the 800px on the long side so that shouldn't be the issue.
I've spent close to an hour trying to get it to work so any help would be appreciated.
It finally looks like it has stuck after going through the process both using tools and customise gallery again.
I actually went into your gallery created a new watermark, applied it, then applied your watermark. I deleted the temporary watermark I created. It looks like that gallery got stuck somehow and didn't want to let your watermark work. It's fixed now and your watermark is applied. Sorry for the inconvenience.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Nice gallery and lighting, you do pro work for sure:photo
Great job
Good looking watermark too
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I am having the same issue with my galleries. Whether I use the smugmug interface to select images I want to apply watermarks to, or whether I use the applyWatermark API call I cannot get watermarks to apply to all specified images. The 800px restriction is not the issue.
My galleries are very large: >20K images.
Someone for SmugMig, please assist.