Last second wafling - pyro

Dying In The Morning Light

The Gun says, "Boom"

Didn't quite come out as I envisioned =c/ But I figured I'd ask anyway
Dying In The Morning Light

The Gun says, "Boom"

Didn't quite come out as I envisioned =c/ But I figured I'd ask anyway
I think that in terms of getting noticed by a judge the pistol photo stands a better chance because there's not a single other photo like it in the challenge.
the bullet/gun is missing way too much...smoke, fire, etc...etc
I really like the leaf, but I'm not sure it's unique enough. Plus I've been nursing this idea with the gun for the past week lol. Granted it didn't come out exactly the way i saw it. The Photo Section
this is very unique and that treatment is very cool. i hope you go with this one....all IMO
I had a really hard time deciding between the two new ones you posted...
Generally, I'm personally not a fan of noise, but really, I think it works well here. However, I think I am still bigger on #2, and I think it's really mostly because of the extra detail on the bullet.
Also, IMHO, I think the gun says Loud, more than the leaf says quiet... And, as I said in another post today, this is certainly not to take anything away from your leaf shot, because it is a really great photo.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm really loath to get rid of the leaf because i love those colors, but i think it's way too subtle. Where as the gun is not The Photo Section