What a day.

Hello all,
I've posted this here because most people visiting the site are looking in this section first due to the challenge voting in process. I'm sure one of the Mods will move this to a more appropriate place in a day or two. I live in the Washington DC area and work downtown (just up the street from the White House actually) and you can just feel the electricity in the air today. When you step outside you can sense that a change has come over this town. (I would be interested in hearing what its like around the rest of the world.) Anyways just wanted to share a snapshot of how it is here. I work across the street from The Washington Post and there has been a line outside all day of people trying to get a copy of today's paper with its historic front page headline. All of the newspaper boxes across town have been emptied.

No matter who you voted for (those of us who are US citizens) it is hard not to notice the sense of excitement and hope for the future that is going on right now. I don't mean for this to be a political statement one way or the other, and I hope this thread does not become one, it is just an observation of humanity. I'm a die hard undecided every election and don't particularly back either/any party. I don't share who I vote for and will not tell anyone else who they should choose. I just wanted to share a moment in time with everyone.
Hope everyone is doing well and that you have a safe day!
— Kevin
I've posted this here because most people visiting the site are looking in this section first due to the challenge voting in process. I'm sure one of the Mods will move this to a more appropriate place in a day or two. I live in the Washington DC area and work downtown (just up the street from the White House actually) and you can just feel the electricity in the air today. When you step outside you can sense that a change has come over this town. (I would be interested in hearing what its like around the rest of the world.) Anyways just wanted to share a snapshot of how it is here. I work across the street from The Washington Post and there has been a line outside all day of people trying to get a copy of today's paper with its historic front page headline. All of the newspaper boxes across town have been emptied.
No matter who you voted for (those of us who are US citizens) it is hard not to notice the sense of excitement and hope for the future that is going on right now. I don't mean for this to be a political statement one way or the other, and I hope this thread does not become one, it is just an observation of humanity. I'm a die hard undecided every election and don't particularly back either/any party. I don't share who I vote for and will not tell anyone else who they should choose. I just wanted to share a moment in time with everyone.
Hope everyone is doing well and that you have a safe day!
— Kevin
I rode in today to Celebrate a (Scocial) MileStone
Even though it was rainy and damp and cool I had to ride in today to Celebrate. It was NOT a political Celebration, it was a Social Celebration and is hopefully a realization shared by all regardless of any political affiliations.
As I rode in I thought about all those who I wished could be here now to see this day and Celebrate with me.
Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat.
Rev. Martin Luther King who had a dream, shared it and in so doing inspired us.
The Supreme Court Justices who realized that the time had come to extend the concept upon which this country was founded and that it could only be fully realized when it extended to All.
My folks, who, although they apologized many times in later life for insulating me from prevalence of racial dogma in the 60’s, taught me by example that All truly are equal when one looks beyond the surface.
Those are the first that came to mind, but there are countless others, too many to name, who lie in such places as Arlington National Cemetery and the many other places where all those brave souls now lie in rest. Whether they were ones who defended our nation or those countless others who worked tirelessly, in whatever capacity, to ensure those principles upon which this Nation is founded would be guaranteed to all, they were in my heart as I rode.
On this day, I Celebrate their efforts, each and every one. I am better for it, We are better for it and Our Country is better for it; may it prove fruitful and may they not be disappointed by a refusal of America to accept the fact that the Face of America has Forever Been Changed. More than ever, on this day, I am Proud to be an American.
That is all….
"It's better to bite the hand that feeds you, than to feed the hand that bites you" - Me