Not enough time to shoot!

Been real busy with work these past weeks and have not been photographing as much as I would like. Here are a few though!

1. Sunrise-High tide

2. Where are the birds?

3. The early bird gets the ....

4. Pelican

5. Get your own!

6. This Merlin really wanted some of the peregrine's catch.

7. Black waters

1. Sunrise-High tide

2. Where are the birds?

3. The early bird gets the ....

4. Pelican

5. Get your own!

6. This Merlin really wanted some of the peregrine's catch.

7. Black waters
I like 4, the b&w certainly suits that shot and i like that the head is nicely in focus and the wings are a bit blurred. top shot.
7 - i like the large contrast of this shot.
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Neil MacDonald
Richmond BC
Oly E-510, 14-42, 50-200, EC-14, EC-20
Metz Mecablitz 48 AF-1
I wish I had the time to shoot more as well. I hope you are working on some killer video game or something; not that I have the time for anything like that you know.
Thanks Harry! I try to make the best of it when I can!
Thanks Stephen, I shot the Stilt photo with the very last light as the sun was setting. He was backlit, and had moved into the shadows so only the ripples reflected the sunset. Used flash to bring out the subject.
The game I'm working on should be fun, but it is alot of work in the meantime!
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Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
Thanks Awais!
Thanks Harv! Hopefully I'll get some down time soon!
My website | NANPA Member
Nice to see you around again, Glenn.:D
Thanks Adam!
Thanks Ric! Hopefully things will slow down a bit so I can shoot more.(But not too much so I can't afford any more gear)
Really like that Downy Woodpecker photo you posted in Wally's "Best of the year" post.
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose