Musings on #12

I don't think I'm really on the right track here, but since it's slow roun' these here parts at the moment I thought I'd go ahead and post it anyway 
Ever since #12 was posted, I've found myself thinking of the text of a Hugo Wolf Lied (he was a late 19th century Austrian composer, most of whose output was song repertoire). It was one of the first classical songs I ever heard, and I've always loved it:
Auch kleine Dinge können uns entzücken,
Auch kleine Dinge können teuer sein.
Bedenkt, wie gern wir uns mit Perlen schmücken;
Sie werden schwer bezahlt und sind nur klein.
Bedenkt, wie klein ist die Olivenfrucht,
Und wird um ihre Güte doch gesucht.
Denkt an die Rose nur, wie klein sie ist,
Und duftet doch so lieblich, wie ihr wißt.
</pre>Even little things can delight us,
Even little things can be precious.
Think how we gladly adorn ourselves with pearls;
They are heavily paid for, and yet are small.
Think how small is the olive's fruit,
And is nevertheless sought for its virtue.
Think only on the rose, how small it is,
And yet, smells so sweet, as you know.
So in a moment between showers yesterday, I took this (having recently discovered a +3 closeup filter in a box of stuff - I don't think I've ever even used it! - and, amazingly, it fit the 50mm 1.8).
Not sure it's "miniscule", but thought it was kind of neat (although it does beg the question: ROSEBUDS IN NOVEMBER??!?! How'd that happen at this latitude?!)

Ever since #12 was posted, I've found myself thinking of the text of a Hugo Wolf Lied (he was a late 19th century Austrian composer, most of whose output was song repertoire). It was one of the first classical songs I ever heard, and I've always loved it:
Auch kleine Dinge können uns entzücken,
Auch kleine Dinge können teuer sein.
Bedenkt, wie gern wir uns mit Perlen schmücken;
Sie werden schwer bezahlt und sind nur klein.
Bedenkt, wie klein ist die Olivenfrucht,
Und wird um ihre Güte doch gesucht.
Denkt an die Rose nur, wie klein sie ist,
Und duftet doch so lieblich, wie ihr wißt.
</pre>Even little things can delight us,
Even little things can be precious.
Think how we gladly adorn ourselves with pearls;
They are heavily paid for, and yet are small.
Think how small is the olive's fruit,
And is nevertheless sought for its virtue.
Think only on the rose, how small it is,
And yet, smells so sweet, as you know.
So in a moment between showers yesterday, I took this (having recently discovered a +3 closeup filter in a box of stuff - I don't think I've ever even used it! - and, amazingly, it fit the 50mm 1.8).
Not sure it's "miniscule", but thought it was kind of neat (although it does beg the question: ROSEBUDS IN NOVEMBER??!?! How'd that happen at this latitude?!)

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Hmmmm.... not sure my gardening skills are up to that!! (This was outside. In the ground. In November. :giggle)
Kiidding aside, point taken. As I said myself, I'm not really sure it's themeworthy, I just figured I'd throw it out and see what ripples it might make.... Thanks Aaron!
Thanks for the response, Dan!
I think this is an embryonic idea rather than a final product but... thoughts?
(ETA: looking at it again I fear it looks too much like an ebay picture, but I was so excited to get something approaching the lighting I wanted I didn't think of that till afterwards.... lol. Learning curve, learning curve....)
I like where you're heading with the Wolf Lied. 'Small, but precious' could be a strong concept for the challenge. As others have said, though, the rose isn't small enough to be miniscule. Maybe think smaller and more precious?
Thanks Halite. I'm not sure if I'll pursue this basic idea or not - as I said, it was all just sort of rambling, muddled musings to get me started - but who knows? Maybe I'll wander back there over the course of the week if I have a sudden brainwave .... I'm finding this one HARD!!
Btw, Gastrocnemius, you may find you get more responses to your own images if you start a thread for them (I think you're fairly new here and the last couple of challenges have been a little slow on that front so wasn't sure if you knew that it was cool just to post away!). Fwiw, I like your idea when you explain it in words, but the grass intermingles with the rope so much that it's not clear how you're growing from small to large. Perhaps reshoot in a different spot where the focus can be more obviously the large-to-small concept you have? Great idea.
fyi ive been at work for 14 hrs without a break so maybe its just that variable talking....
Now you've got me thinking of ever more imaginative titles...