Keyboard Shortcuts would be *AWESOME*
SmugMug should implement single-key shortcuts a la Lightroom (hello Wade) or Gmail keyboard shortcuts. If you're in a gallery and you're not in a text input field, the keyboard shortcuts would be "live".
You can already flip through your photos quickly with the left- and right-arrow keys. You can also go forward and backwards through pages of thumbnails by holding down shift and using left/right arrows (cool, huh)?
Even cooler would be if the "H" key hid the photo you were currently looking at.
And how great would it be if "D" prompted you to delete the photo, and if instead of taking you to a completely different page, it simply popped up an overlaid window to confirm it (OK or Cancel).
Think about how quickly you could whiz through an album, hiding and deleting images, thereby saving SmugMug valuable bandwidth and storage!
"R" could fire up Replace, "A" would take you to Arrange, "C" would Crop, and so on.
I've posted this to the always-growing Feature Request thread, but would like to keep this thread separate for further discussion. (Thanks Andy!)
You can already flip through your photos quickly with the left- and right-arrow keys. You can also go forward and backwards through pages of thumbnails by holding down shift and using left/right arrows (cool, huh)?
Even cooler would be if the "H" key hid the photo you were currently looking at.
And how great would it be if "D" prompted you to delete the photo, and if instead of taking you to a completely different page, it simply popped up an overlaid window to confirm it (OK or Cancel).
Think about how quickly you could whiz through an album, hiding and deleting images, thereby saving SmugMug valuable bandwidth and storage!
"R" could fire up Replace, "A" would take you to Arrange, "C" would Crop, and so on.
I've posted this to the always-growing Feature Request thread, but would like to keep this thread separate for further discussion. (Thanks Andy!)
Those are reserved for going forward and backwards in my browser. You should be able to trap for unmodified Left/Right keystrokes without also catching the Alt/Command-modified ones.
Proof that it can be done:
Yes. Something on my mind...
FWIW, I don't see us trapping Cmd-Arrow either...
However, you might be seeing the fact that each photo you view in a gallery is a forward/back step in the history. Keep going and you'll hit previous sites in your history. This is just normal browser behavior, as the same thing happens with the back/forward arrows.
You guys must have a Windows box kicking around *somewhere*, right?
Remember that's what everyone else has, even if all of you l33t developers only use Apples. :-P
Anyways, here's a gallery with videos of me reproducing the bug:
I took a peek at the smugmug_gallery-min...js file, and I found this tidbit for moving to the last/previous photo:
As well as this for moving to the next/previous page of thumbs:
So, uhm, that makes me dizzy, but I think it has something to do with watching for the shiftKey, and some odd interaction with the correspondent altKey event in Windows browsers. (FWIW it also happens on the latest build of Google's Chrome.)
Relevant code:
Hrm... I wonder if this has anything to do with the Alt-key problem.
that actually captures the tab key for tabbing between products in the gallery cart :-)
I fired up VMware earlier and saw that the alt + arrow doesnt work, so something is going on there. I'll look in the code when i get a chance to see whats going on with the alt key.
FWIW, S, M, L, 1, 2, 3, O all bring up their respective sizes in lightbox, x closes lightbox and shift + arrow key pages through photos.
That's actually been around for quite a while. I've dealt with a few mails to the help desk where folks have complained that they have 83 images logged in, but only 82 logged out... invariably you find an image in the middle somewhere that is hidden... quite often, the first letter of the caption is an h.
Another related annoyance -- you're somehow also trapping for Ctrl-L, which normally should highlight the address bar in Firefox, but if you're viewing a gallery in SmugMug, it shows the Large view and *then* highlights the address bar.
This is why keyboard shortcuts should be an optional power user function, as they are in Gmail (
Also, it'd be helpful if you guys actually *DOCUMENTED* these shortcuts, as Gmail does.
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but that requires me to sign up... i'm already signed up to dgrin..and smugmug...and advrider...shouldn't that be enough?
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oh.... heh. shhh...don't tell anyone i'm stupid, m'kay?
Wait. My SmugMug login is supposed to work at ?
That doesn't work for me.
Or are you proposing I use the same login/password there?
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Wow, I would never have guessed to do that. Um, Andy -- care to document this in the sticky?
Thanks jfriend!
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Anyway, hopefully you can still get some leverage out of OpenID between you and your partners to keep us from having to give our Smugmug credentials to a partner just to use their services with Smugmug data.
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And before that Microsoft Passport was going to do the same. It never really spread beyond Microsoft sites though, imagine that!
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At least with the *old* Microsoft, you bought the OS and Office, and you could unplug and be done with them. All your base are belong to Facebook.
I mean, they've got your personal info. They know who your friends and family are. They know what you are "fans" of and that you waste hours of time raising fake sheep and playing Bejeweled. They know which "personalized" ads you've clicked on. They know what other sites (Twitter, SmugMug, Flickr) you use because you had to authorize those sites to talk to Facebook. They know what you're watching on YouTube and sharing with your friends. They know every link you post for your friends. All 25 facts about you. Your top 15 books/movies/songs/sexual positions.
AND with their authentication push, they not only know what sites you log into, THEY have the ability to log into those sites as you.
I am NOT one of those people that claim Facebook is Evil. Merely that they have the potential to be evil. As much as Google does (who knows every search you make), but even more so.
My main beef with Facebook is with their continuously money-losing ways, I worry about them eventually going under, and all of that "content" (which is very real stuff -- Facebook has supplanted and overtaken the self-publishing revolution that was blogging) will simply go away when they die or get bought out by a less caring company. Or that the ads will get increasingly annoying (can't wait for the pop-up ones that you *can't* cancel). Also, those games are frakking annoying.
But for professional photographers (or anybody trying to sell something) it's silly to run away screaming or bury your head in the sand because of the potential copyright/ownership issues. Facebook is where the customers are, and I you're a fool not to have a Facebook page, and to put samples up where people can see your work and potentially HIRE you.
Also yeah, having to support 9 different Facebook/Twitter/Google/Yahoo/etc ad nauseum auth schemes is incredibly inefficient, from an engineering standpoint. Very sucky.
I think we need a new thread.
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