CF card a dollar per Gigabyte
I just purchased three Lexar Professional, 4-GB, 300X, UDMA Compactflash cards from Calumet Camera. The price of each card was $73.99 but there is a $70.00 mail-in rebate per card reducing the price to $3.99 per card.
There is a maximum of 3-rebates per household.
Of course, I had to pay the California State Sales tax which increased the per card cost to a bit less than $10.00 each. That is still a pretty good price for a card of this quality.
The rebate is not a Calumet specific rebate; it is offered by Lexar as Rebate H92860 and is in effect from 11/1/08 to 1/15/09. The only caveat is that the card must be purchased from an "authorized Lexar reseller"; so be careful regarding purchases from some eBay merchants who may not be "authorized resellers".
There is a maximum of 3-rebates per household.
Of course, I had to pay the California State Sales tax which increased the per card cost to a bit less than $10.00 each. That is still a pretty good price for a card of this quality.
The rebate is not a Calumet specific rebate; it is offered by Lexar as Rebate H92860 and is in effect from 11/1/08 to 1/15/09. The only caveat is that the card must be purchased from an "authorized Lexar reseller"; so be careful regarding purchases from some eBay merchants who may not be "authorized resellers".
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler
EDIT: Found it (here) and the offer has changed...
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Yeah Tallyn's just announced those Lexar discounts too. Pity it's not a bigger discount like the one from the original poster.
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Not bad for 8Gig 300X cards...
I don't see the rebates on the Circuit City site. Are you sure they apply to purchases there? The rebate form from Adorama says 'pro photo channel' on it. I'm wondering if CC is not part of it. However, at $64.99 it's better than anything else I can find where the rebate is mentioned.
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That being said, your probably right, but $64.99 is still a good price & I needed the cards anyway.