Gals interested in the Jill-e bags - another choice

I've been eyeing the Jill-e bags for a while now, but the price was such that I just couldn't take the plunge.
Today at best buy I found this Swiss Gear black nylon bag ("Diana" large SLR bag)

I have just packed it up with my XT, 3 lenses and flash, and there's still room for one more small-to-medium-size item (probably two or three if I used the horizontal as well as vertical dividers and stacked) plus small bits and pieces in the zipper compartment. Has many completely adjustable (velcro) padded dividers inside. Everything fits comfortably and is easy to access once packed (for the way I pack, anyway - I guess it all depends how you like to stow your gear).
The quality isn't quite as top-of-the-line-designer-merchandise as the Jill-e range, but it's also less than half the price - this bag is $53 on sale at the moment (vs the Jill-e small nylon bag which is about $130, and the leather which is $160). I don't think it would stand up to pro abuse or extended wear, but lighter use I think it will be fine.
Anyway, just thought I'd share in case any ladies on the forum are looking for something for a small to medium sized non-pro-use kit. We'll see how it wears over time, but since my existing bag can't hold all my stuff and I had a $10 BB coupon it was a no-brainer for me to give it a try!
edited to add pix of it loaded (the one above is the promo pic online; these were taken with my P&S so sorry for horrid flash!)

Today at best buy I found this Swiss Gear black nylon bag ("Diana" large SLR bag)

I have just packed it up with my XT, 3 lenses and flash, and there's still room for one more small-to-medium-size item (probably two or three if I used the horizontal as well as vertical dividers and stacked) plus small bits and pieces in the zipper compartment. Has many completely adjustable (velcro) padded dividers inside. Everything fits comfortably and is easy to access once packed (for the way I pack, anyway - I guess it all depends how you like to stow your gear).
The quality isn't quite as top-of-the-line-designer-merchandise as the Jill-e range, but it's also less than half the price - this bag is $53 on sale at the moment (vs the Jill-e small nylon bag which is about $130, and the leather which is $160). I don't think it would stand up to pro abuse or extended wear, but lighter use I think it will be fine.
Anyway, just thought I'd share in case any ladies on the forum are looking for something for a small to medium sized non-pro-use kit. We'll see how it wears over time, but since my existing bag can't hold all my stuff and I had a $10 BB coupon it was a no-brainer for me to give it a try!
edited to add pix of it loaded (the one above is the promo pic online; these were taken with my P&S so sorry for horrid flash!)
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