Catalog2 html With No Book&More tab
Is there html code available to create this page without the Books&More" tab?
IMHO it causes too many questions from customers. Any help is appreciated.
IMHO it causes too many questions from customers. Any help is appreciated.
I can send you the former code for this page... before the Books&More tab was added... you'll need to change a few of the links as I redid them to fit my site.... let me know...
Ok...I'm guessing the html has the other 4 "tabs". I will work links from there and see if I can transition it. Will the rule of copy everything between "start/end content" hold true?
I labelled the start and end of the html for the help page stuff... let me know if you have trouble finding it...
copy it and wrap it in html tags... drop it in album description
Wow! Almost too good to be true given the time on task today. I think my text edit search got all your links.
Thank you.