Lightroom2 in Vista - How to disable auto-launch?

I recently got the brilliant idea (note the sarcasm) to install Windows Vista.
While I do find that it actually seems a bit peppier, there are naturally some annoyance.
For one, I can't seem to disable the auto-launch of Lightroom when I put in media with pictures (be it USB, Optical, etc.)
In XP, I killed the Adobe Photo Downloader service. In Vista, I can't seem to locate it, nor can I find an appropriate option within Lightroom.
Any help?
While I do find that it actually seems a bit peppier, there are naturally some annoyance.
For one, I can't seem to disable the auto-launch of Lightroom when I put in media with pictures (be it USB, Optical, etc.)
In XP, I killed the Adobe Photo Downloader service. In Vista, I can't seem to locate it, nor can I find an appropriate option within Lightroom.
Any help?
I am SO glad you posted this! I am on a new laptop with Vista AND a new LR user and have been strugggling with this very conundrum - between new OS and new editing programs I feel like a total doofus cuz I can't FIND anything!
A real masochist! :whip
Good luck.
yeah, well it wasn't planned that way!!! The old lappie died, I got a STEAL on a refurb from Dell and it happened to come with Vista... I figured I"d try it before formatting and installing XP and, to my surprise, quite like it so far (shhhhh... don't tell!) so I'm sticking with it. For now
I've pretty much stripped it down to be XP like, and will probably keep it.
So far, it's running like a champ - can't complain. We'll see if I still feel that way as it starts to get loaded up and get complicated.... Fortunately we have XP so I can revert if I want to , but so far so good. Given that my old laptop was 6 years old and creaking, this is wonderfully zippy and stable in comparison, so I guess i was predisposed to like it no matter what especially for how much I *didn't* pay for it...
Which version of vista are you discussing??
Also in LR2 under tools I think is where you can turn off the auto launch command.
I'm running the Home Premium version. LR may have a command in its own preferences, but the one in Windows control panel worked a treat too.
I couldn't get it to stop with any of the LR2 tools. It seems like it gets set into Windows when you install LR, and then they stop talking to eachother.
The Autoplay menu is pretty slick in Vista, though.