Different ideas for #12 - C&C please

I had thought of this as soon as the competition was announced, but didn't expect to be in the area where it's located in the time period. However, had to travel yesterday on a last-minute trip, and this time remembered to take the camera with me! Yay.
I had NO IDEA how to convey the size of it, however - the immediate surroundings/background are just ugly (it's at a train station) and it was nearly impossible to get an attractive angle (esp since my widest lens is only 28mm!!). There was also ZERO sky yesterday. However, here'sa sjot pretty much SOOC:
~40ft high Statue in the grounds of Hamilton Train Station

There's also this across the street - NO photoshop involved except to clone out the highway signs and boost curves/brightness a little (the "man: in the background is part of the sculpture!). There was NO good angle for this, particualrly with traffic at 70 mph!! On the other side is an Amtico factory - I tried juxtaposing that, but it just looked ugly rather than meaningful
I'm not convinced it has much of a message beyond capturing an image of .... well... this somewhat WEIRD sculpture. I have NO IDEA what it's supposed to be, but it makes me laugh every time I see it... (giant tooth? Tusk?). However, since it makes me laugh every time I drive by it, I share it both for the humour factor, and to see if anybody else thinks it should be entered. Massive it most certainly is...
I had NO IDEA how to convey the size of it, however - the immediate surroundings/background are just ugly (it's at a train station) and it was nearly impossible to get an attractive angle (esp since my widest lens is only 28mm!!). There was also ZERO sky yesterday. However, here'sa sjot pretty much SOOC:
~40ft high Statue in the grounds of Hamilton Train Station

There's also this across the street - NO photoshop involved except to clone out the highway signs and boost curves/brightness a little (the "man: in the background is part of the sculpture!). There was NO good angle for this, particualrly with traffic at 70 mph!! On the other side is an Amtico factory - I tried juxtaposing that, but it just looked ugly rather than meaningful

I'm not convinced it has much of a message beyond capturing an image of .... well... this somewhat WEIRD sculpture. I have NO IDEA what it's supposed to be, but it makes me laugh every time I see it... (giant tooth? Tusk?). However, since it makes me laugh every time I drive by it, I share it both for the humour factor, and to see if anybody else thinks it should be entered. Massive it most certainly is...

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I didn't know you lived near Grounds for Sculpture/Hamilton.
Actually I don't live near there, but it's the bottom end of the NJTransit train line, so I use it as a park and ride to get to NY (after a 3hr drive from home!).
Thanks! If the tooth works, I'll use it, it just seemed such an oddly "non-interpreted" image (considering how much I'm struggling with being TOO literal, I'm trying to think outside the box a little more!)
Thanks for the feedback!
That tooth is very cool. I know exactly where it is. I don't blame you for not driving into NYC. If you ever get the time, do try to get to Grounds for Sculpture. They have a lot of really bizarre statues there -- some even more bizarre than that tooth. I can easily spend an entire day there. The place is about 10 minutes from that train station.
Shoot - I wish I'd know that, as I could easily have stopped in yesterday while I was up there! Ah well... next time....
It's a learning experience.
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However... does it work to suggest size as it is? And does the contrasty light bother anybody? (unfortunately it was high noon - simply when it was possible to get down there, so I was stuck with it!)
THANKS as always for all the feedback - I'm still new enough at this that I don't really trust my own judgement/perceptions, especially about my own shots (if only because my mind fills in the "real life" aspects of what I saw), so I really REALLY appreciate the responses y'all are so kind to give!
At least you have ideas and are shooting. I've only come up with 1 idea and haven't decided how to shoot it yet (it only struck me yesterday (almost literally)).
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Ha - these aren't ideas, these are happenstance bits of luck where I thought, "Oooo! That's BIIIIGGGG!"
The statue is actually the "man/woman" statue outside Baltimore Penn station - depending on which side you're looking at it from (oooo... bad English... but you know what I mean!) it either looks like a man or a woman, with the heart being present no matter which side you're seeing. It's kind of cool although, like the tooth and the handshake statue, it's surrounded by visual BLECH and almost impossible to take an artistic picture of it. This was the best I came up with - do we like this, or the sheer silliness of the tooth better??!!??
And I'm sure you're just flying high from the last round rather than stymied... (or should that be SURFING high?!
IMHO the tooth looks better with the person in the shot, more sense of scale.
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
OMG....I love that title.
I like your current entry but can you please show us a version of the tooth photo at 800 px at the longest side and with the person in it? Pretty, pretty please? :curtsey
Edited to add another angle/possibility. I guess my problem is that it's a reallly cool object that doesn't lend itself to particularly good photos - the actual SUBJECT is neat, but due to the restrictions of sightlines (and not having a wa lens) I just don't think they're photographically terribly good, even after I've cleaned up the bg's as best I can
I like the figure and trees adding colour and scale.
Stretching the metaphor....Autumn leaves = decay, but strong roots...
PS - apologies for hijacking your first thread - I'm still learning to tie my shoelaces here...
Does the cross-processing work? It seemed to minimise the inherent problems of the distracting location and background ....
Also, could somebody check the exif link in the entry for me and make sure it works? For some reason the final image lost the metadeta, so I had to use a previous save for the exif file. Picasa's been cranky lately, so I want to make sure it displays for somebody other than me
Nov 7, 2008
1583×1600 pixels – 539KB
Filename: statuecros<wbr>sprocess.j<wbr>pg
Camera: Canon
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/40 sec
Aperture: f/9.0
Focal Length: 79mm
Flash Used: No
Latitude: n/a
Longitude: n/a
Thanks. In fact I agree you and I wish I COULD reshoot, but no go
The figures are part of the sculpture, btw!!
These give some idea as to the problem.... (to the right of the 2nd picture is the entrance to the train station - more wires and non-photegenic STUFF!)
Btw, I love your updated entry - looks great!
This isn't gonna help without something bordering on a diagonal fisheye (rent/borrow one!), but I've just had a vision of someone next to the Tooth, scratching head, holding a toothbrush...