Need new monitor...........
I have been using a Dell Inspiron Laptop. I am having a new desktop built. I have been looking at Newegg. The have several 22 inch LCD's with great reviews, but none specific to Photo editing.
Any Photo editors bought these and been pleased?
I have a kid in college and I don't want to break the bank.
Any Photo editors bought these and been pleased?
I have a kid in college and I don't want to break the bank.
To get a better monitor for image editing you will need to look for a MVA, PVA, or best of all, an IPS panel but these are all more expensive with the IPS panels being about 3 times more than those you've listed.
I've posted links to monitor technology info here several times the past year. Search the monitor threads in this forum and you will find them.
The thing that is blowing my mind is that when I look at the specs........I can't tel what kind of Panels they have. Is TN the same as TNT?
TNT?? perhaps you mean TFT?
TFT-LCD = Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display
TFT's encompass several variation's of an electronic matrix (LCD) that positions light filtering/blocking elements in a panel upon which images are displayed; this includes TN, MVA, PVA, and IPS matrix's.
TN = Twisted Nematic
MVA = Multidomain Vertical Alignment
PVA = Patterned Vertical Alignment
IPS = In-Plane Switching
So to answer your question as to is a TN a TFT? Yes! but so are PVA, MVA and IPS panels.
The easiest way to determine if a monitor uses a TN panel is to look at the viewing angles specification - if they are stated as 160 degrees horizontal then you have a TN panel.
PVA, MVA, and IPS panels are typically stated with viewing angles of 178 degrees.
The easiest viewing test is to crouch down and look at the panel from below at about a 45 degree angle - if it looks like it reverse polarizes (light goes dark, dark goes light) or something similar, then you have a TN panel.
My standard list of URLs for reading up on monitors:
The Anand LCD Thread
Read the first two posts in the above thread - there are recommended monitors for various tasks mentioned later.
XBit LCD Testing Methodology
Use to discover panel types (type in IPS, etc)
- these two sites are typically accurate but sometimes mfg's change panels in mid-model run - aka panel lotteries.
- another point in using these sites is that most manufacturers have shifted production to 22" or larger for IPS or PVA panels
Use to see & compare monitor screens from various angles:
(the link should show an Apple IPS 30" panel vs a Dell 22" TN panel))
Review sites that shows images of the monitors viewed from various angles:
Some review sites that get technical:,1695,23466,00.asp
A review sites that covers a lot of displays (but for some, their reviews are weak):
It does have 1 caveat however. It has a warm-up time way longer than my previous monitor. You have to let it heat up a good 2-3 minutes before the colors settle. I usually wake it up and go get a drink - when I come back it's all back to normal. All LCD's have a warm up time, I think it's just exagerated by the 24" size.:D
"Your decisions on whether to buy, when to buy and what to buy should depend on careful consideration of your needs primarily, with a little of your wants thrown in for enjoyment, After all photography is a hobby, even for pros."
~Herbert Keppler