12 - concept for c/c

Had an idea this morning as I watched my son playing with the spoils of his 3rd birthday party. Appreciate any thoughts on theme worthiness and critiques on the shots. Chose to shoot these at f/4 to try to emphasize the size of the town.





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How about setting the toy up somewhere out of the ordinary, preferably with a 'massive' feel, to provide some contrast the miniscule...
At the city limit sign (Pop'n 84,524),
at the foot of the largest building in town,
inside a real gas station (that should be a hoot)
Just my thoughts - feel free to ignore
Notwithstanding the practicalities of setting up the above shots... Good luck in persuading your son to loan his new toy out for such an important assignment !
I had lost all hope for this concept after it went through 70-some views without a comment...
Your ideas are good but there is just no way that my 3 year old will let me touch that town of his
I'll see what I can do about playing with the concept a bit more.
Thanks again,
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As far as the photo, do you have a lens that would let you come in even tighter, so the focus is more on the town, with him there to provide scale? That's what you've done, of course, I guess I mean just taking it even further... I like the comp of the #2 the best of the three you posted.
I love the look of intensity on his face as he plays - clearly you scored a hit with that one!
These are some stills from the episode:
Decided to go wider with the 18-55 lens and stuck the lens under/through my son's arm as he played over me.
Any better
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pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I'll see if I can figure out what it is....
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How about trying a vertical crop and bringing the toy officer out of the shadows a bit?
Here's a reworked crop with some local adjustments to the little guy
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And thanks again Linda for the suggestion!!!
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