#12 concept - fit the theme?

I'm a brand spanking new member of SmugMug and Digital Grin, and this is my first photo entry to any group or contest. I'm really inspired by all the great work I've seen here so far, and hope to work up to that level eventually.
I don't know how well this shot fits the intent of the theme, but it was fun working out the concept. The tiny toy pig is poised on my laptop keyboard, ready to press the "spacebar" as an image of the moon rises behind her on the computer screen -- a pig in cyberspace! Juxtaposing the tiny pig with the massive moon, I emphasized the dark splotches on the lunar surface to echo the pig's black markings and tie the two together.
As an aside, this raises an interesting question for me: is cyberspace really really huge, or infinitesimally small?
Thanks for your comments and critiques!!!
P.S. the moon photo is mine (taken this past February), so no worry about copyright infringement!
Nikon D300, 17-35, 24-70, 70-200, 105 Macro, Tokina 11-16, Lensbaby, iPhone!
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its hit and miss for me, sometimes my ideas crash and burn, sometimes they fly....
imo, without you explaining it i would have just thought your idea was about a little pig keeping you company...kinda like little stewart the mouse...
good luck...
Or I may come up with something different altogether! My idea (as Aaron pointed out) with the little "pig in cyberspace" perhaps is a bit too obtuse for a single image (without the caption). I'll try and come up with something that tells a more direct story...
Thanks again
If it's actually on the computer in the photo it should be no problem. If it is a composite than it could be a problem.
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The thing that doesn't work for me is that everything's a little soft; the monitor (because it's a monitor), but the pig itself is a little underlit and thus soft to me. For some reason the idea seems to me to require really "hard edges" rather than soft, ambient lighting if that makes sense (and if it doesn't, just smile and move on - I'm still a n00b and trying to figure out both how to parse what I see, and then articulate it!)
I do like the idea though (probably because I always loved Piiiiigggggssss Iiinnnnnnn Spaaaacccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Thanks for your suggestion - I think I'll try reshooting, this time with a smaller aperture (f/11 instead of f/4.5) to try and bring everything into focus, and post it for comparison. I thought that the diminished depth of field in the original would give a greater sense of distance, particularly for the moon. There may have been some slight camera shake with that 1 sec exposure as well, softening the image overall, so I'll do a couple retakes...maybe with off-camera fill flash...
:lol4 .....muppets, now there was some great comedy
i still giggle just thinking of all the individual characters....
keep your DOF...or even go 2.8 if its a option.....IMO
How ridiculous is this???
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Here's something to consider: take little piggie to see a big piggie
I love it!
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