Can you see how many "Thumbs Up's" a photo gets?

Is there a way to see how many thumbs up rankings a photo gets? I know they're listed by popularity under the "Popular Photos" category, but is there a way to see the exact number of votes per photo?
And if not, could you consider this a polite request please?
And if not, could you consider this a polite request please?
So there isn't a way for you to see the numbers you have on the photo rankings. Sorry about that. What I can do is make sure that our feature request team gets a hold of you suggestion though. Which we do appreciate it.
Support Hero and Customeister
The visiting information is built into the site. If you go to your Control Panel -> Stats tab -> more details next to when it says bandwidth used -> then you can select the gallery and it will give you a detailed view on how many views you are getting and the different sizes that have been viewed.
Support Hero and Customeister