Photoshop scripting
Just finishing up a cool project. I wrote a vbscript program to read in a tab delimited text file and then open up referenced images and put iptc data into the image and save the image.
So the cool part is that you can write scripts for photoshop in vbscript, javascript, or applescript. The extent of capabilities is prety wide. If you know any of those scripting languages take a look at
Scripting Guide
VBScript Guide
JavaScript Guide
AppleScript Guide
So the cool part is that you can write scripts for photoshop in vbscript, javascript, or applescript. The extent of capabilities is prety wide. If you know any of those scripting languages take a look at
Scripting Guide
VBScript Guide
JavaScript Guide
AppleScript Guide
If you want to see paradise simply look around and see it.
-Willy Wonka
-Willy Wonka
Thanks Philip, yes, scripting can do some amazing things - I recently sought some help for some help in scripting a little thing in Illustrator that could not be done via an action (I wish it was built into the application, however that is another topic).
In your example, I would have used Adobe Bridge to apply meta data to selected images which does not require opening/saving the image file as this is only a meta data change.
How about scripting Bridge?
Stephen Marsh
Your right bridge would have been faster but then I would have to have written a new object to do file io to get at the csv file or found a library I could use. VBScript was just faster. With vbscript and photoshop I was able to put together what I needed in about 1 afternoon. Bridge only supports extendscript (which is ECMA script, which is javascript).
I've just started to play with extend script and c++ objects and so far it's pretty cool.
-Willy Wonka
I just saw there is file access within ExtendScript. So next time I will use Bridge for this kind of thing.
-Willy Wonka
Great, I know nothing about scripting or programming so I have no idea why you need to apply meta data via a .csv file (database export?). If less complex I would have built separate meta data templates to apply the appropriate groups - however I am guessing that your meta data application requirements are complex and require automation that would not be productive using manual methods.
Stephen Marsh