Any Amateurs Use External Light Meters?

I would like to buy a light meter but I really don't know if I would use it so much. I have always been satisfied with my built-in meters, but I am a gadget freak. I guess my question is, will my photos benefit from using an external light meter or should I save my money and put it towards a new piece of glass? :scratch
I DO ALWAYS USE IT as a flash meter in the studio. I use its built in transmitter to fire my PWs when setting up studio lighting. For that purpose it is absolutely cracker jack!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
could I be using it wrong?
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
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If say, if you're running the same setup just make a mental adjustment
I do have modeling lamps built into the strobes.
It was hard. I got some nice pics, but nothing extraordinary.
I shot 60 infants and toddlers the past two days and was lying down half the time to get the shot...:whew
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
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Probably using it correctly........see owners manual........and it is not uncommon for the human eye to prefer sometime very slightly over / under exposed.....or slightly over / under saturated for that matter......f5.6 to f6.3 is around 1/3 (or less) of a F-STOP.......I would be worried if the meter read f5.6 and the photo looked better at f11 (a full stop down)........then I would suggest that you get a replacement or refund from seller or return to Sekonic for calibration and repair.
Thanks. That makes sense. When I had the lights a lot closer without any natural light, at another location the meter read f8 and was great.
Maybe I am just wrong with my terms. 1/3 stop really isn't a huge difference IMO in the 5.6-8 range.
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
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Canon 20d + Grip / Canon 580 EX / Canon 17-40L / Canon 24-105L / Canon 70-200 f2.8 ISL / Mannfrotto 055MF3 Tripod w/329RC4 Head.
Hoping to get back into the art and improve my skills whenever needed.
I'm guessing you meant to say two full stops down - yes?
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I hope so, or I need more advil or liquor to figure this out
APL Photography || My Gear: Bunch of 4/3rds stuff
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