Fonts a mess

Any idea why this looks so bad?
I have checked it in Photshop and Lightroom. Looks sharp and crisp but when I upload it I get this. Flattened it and it still comes out this way. What am I missing?
I have checked it in Photshop and Lightroom. Looks sharp and crisp but when I upload it I get this. Flattened it and it still comes out this way. What am I missing?
I would suggest making sure you have at least level 8-10 for compression level on Photoshop's 1-12 scale or at least 80% in Lightroom's 1-100% scale whenever you save it to a JPEG.
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Thanks, that's what I was thinking so the original I sent out at 12 and then replaced it with another at 8 with the same results.
Good suggestions...Hmmm
I'm going to replace it again with a 12 and see what happens.
Same results. very odd.
I view it in every viewer I have including directly through my browser and it seems fine. Very strange artifacting.
I uploaded the image to my Mpix Account and it (the text) viewed no problem.
SmugMug broke? Maybe compression on their end.
Smugmug doesn't touch the original unless it's not sRGB. Any chance the image you are uploading is not sRGB?
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RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
CMYK: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2
Grey: Dot Gain 20%
Spot: Dot Gain20%
RGM/CMYK/Gray all show "preserve embeded profiles"
This isn't the information we need. Go to Edit/Convert to Profile and, without hitting OK to change anything, tell me what it says under Source Space.
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Source space - sRGB IEC61966-2.1
This is in Photoshop CS2 BTW.
It does not say what your snapshot says. "Adobe RGB"
Here's your original, uploaded by me with our Simple Uploader:
No issues.
Here's your uploaded version:
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Should I try it again?
Oops, just saw your other post... Sorry... I'll stay tuned.
Thanks Andy,
Has the replace issue been fixed?
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
You mentioned to "stay tuned" about an error in the 'replace' feature you found. I've not heard back. I tried this again and got the same result with the distorted fonts.
I also tried deleting and uploading the image again with no success. Still strange fonts. I can email you the original if you need to see what it is supposed to look like.
We will fix the bug, sorry.
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As I said, I even deleted and uploaded the same image and still see this moire effect around the fonts. The original is crystal clear and sharp.
Are you interested in my emailing you the original so you can see what i'm talking about?
Thanks again.
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