When will fullscreen slideshow be back?

A while ago the fullscreen slideshow in Vista was broken and it was changed to windowed mode till Adobe fixed the flash plugin. I received a new update for the plugin today which hopefully fixed the problem. But the fullscreen slideshow is still in a window. What's the status on the fix for this problem?
See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
Slideshow is compeletly broke for me. It doesn't work from the style pull down window (all the other styles work), the Slideshow button in the tool bar next to the Share button does absolutely nothing, if I go into full screen I get a big black screen and have to use the esc key to get out. What happened to Slideshow???
I am using FF3 with a Mac on OSX.
I just opened Safari and it works perfectly in that browser on all options. What's wrong with Firefox? I have installed the latest Flash player.
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In firefox - do you have Adblock+ installed? If so, it conflicts, sorry
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And I'm using IE7, NOT 6.
So, if anyone else is having this problem, this did the trick for me.
My setup: Windows XP Sp3, IE7, Adobe Flash latest version 10.
"Also note, in doing some comparing of Adobe between my husbands computer and mine. I found that by going to Adobe.com and clicking on the security settings it brings up security on my machine. Changing settings to this made the slide show work for me:
Storage Settings Allow 3rd party and Store Common need to be marked
Local storage set at 100
Privacy Allow & Remember need to be checked"
The thread is here....http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=109829
Thanks for this suggestion. I couldn't find the option to 'disable on xxx.smugmug.com' in my Adblock+ menu. I could click on the blue enable dot where smugmug appeared in their list and change it to a circle, but that did not correct the problem. I disabled Adblock+ altogether and now slideshow works with both methods.