camera strap RETRO^10

I've a silly desire to get a REALLY 70s retro camera strap for ether my Holga camera or the Lowpro bag I use for it (solid black).
Anyone seen these for sale anywhere? you have to know what I'm talking about, right?? stuff like this: but that stuff is NICE. I want something totally garish and ugly and only someone in the 70s would have loved.
*evil laugh* oh the poor Holga
Anyone seen these for sale anywhere? you have to know what I'm talking about, right?? stuff like this: but that stuff is NICE. I want something totally garish and ugly and only someone in the 70s would have loved.
*evil laugh* oh the poor Holga
Hmm. I'll take a look at the local camera shop. I found a GREAT old case for my Holga there in the "junk" bin
yeah, epic seems to have the corner on the market right now -- which is too bad as they are awfully pretty. I want gnarly 70s ugly