Any way to have Slideshow button start *non* Full Screen Slideshow
The Full Screen Slideshow is snazzy and all, but when I'm just looking for a way to manually flip through photos scaled to fit my screen, it falls short because of Adobe's restriction against using keyboard keys in full-screen mode.
Even if I wanted to use the mouse to click on the Next/Previous arrows, the filmstrip constantly floats down, cutting off the top of the image and ruining the experience.
So... anybody have a hack (sigh) to have the Slideshow button trigger the slideshow to be shown windowed? Is it even possible to have windowed slideshows that aren't completely custom?
Alternately, is there a way to disable the filmstrip for slideshows that are triggered by the Slideshow button? Just as there is a "Hide Captions" link, it'd be nice to have an option to "Hide Filmstrip".
Even if I wanted to use the mouse to click on the Next/Previous arrows, the filmstrip constantly floats down, cutting off the top of the image and ruining the experience.
So... anybody have a hack (sigh) to have the Slideshow button trigger the slideshow to be shown windowed? Is it even possible to have windowed slideshows that aren't completely custom?
Alternately, is there a way to disable the filmstrip for slideshows that are triggered by the Slideshow button? Just as there is a "Hide Captions" link, it'd be nice to have an option to "Hide Filmstrip".