Help me out, please

Hi guys,
We are going to try something new for this round. All of the entries will be going into a gallery. This will make for easier viewing, and will give us a way to provide good, constructive critiques along with the images.
I need you to do two things though. The first is to help make this not as time consuming for me:
In the title of your image, put your login name and the title, like this:
Greensquared - Forever Waking
Please, go ahead and change your titles for the current entries.
Next, I need you all to spend time giving each other thoughtful critiques. No "nice shot" and comments of the like, please. Even if all you have time for is to pick 5 images that you can find something thoughful to say, that is better than none. Your comments can be technical, like "a less entered composition may help", or they can be aesthetic, like "this image really moved me, I can feel the strain of the moment and the intense colors add to this effect", or "I'm really not feeling the emotion of this image. Perhaps processing it with an aged effect would help".
I think the gallery can prove to be a wonderful tool for your images and these challenges, but it requires your participation. The gallery will replace the feedback thread, so if you are wanting to have a personal top ten, just add to your critique "In my top ten". If we do not receive quality feedback in these galleries, then it is probably not worth the effort of creating them.
You guys have created an awesome community and this is a means to complete it. You all put so much effort into your entries and in providing help for each other in the opinion threads. Let's pull it together in a way that everyone benefits by expressing how each other's work moves us!:ivar
We are going to try something new for this round. All of the entries will be going into a gallery. This will make for easier viewing, and will give us a way to provide good, constructive critiques along with the images.
I need you to do two things though. The first is to help make this not as time consuming for me:
In the title of your image, put your login name and the title, like this:
Greensquared - Forever Waking
Please, go ahead and change your titles for the current entries.
Next, I need you all to spend time giving each other thoughtful critiques. No "nice shot" and comments of the like, please. Even if all you have time for is to pick 5 images that you can find something thoughful to say, that is better than none. Your comments can be technical, like "a less entered composition may help", or they can be aesthetic, like "this image really moved me, I can feel the strain of the moment and the intense colors add to this effect", or "I'm really not feeling the emotion of this image. Perhaps processing it with an aged effect would help".
I think the gallery can prove to be a wonderful tool for your images and these challenges, but it requires your participation. The gallery will replace the feedback thread, so if you are wanting to have a personal top ten, just add to your critique "In my top ten". If we do not receive quality feedback in these galleries, then it is probably not worth the effort of creating them.
You guys have created an awesome community and this is a means to complete it. You all put so much effort into your entries and in providing help for each other in the opinion threads. Let's pull it together in a way that everyone benefits by expressing how each other's work moves us!:ivar
Psalm 62:5-6
One possible suggestion: the "feedback" thread often sparks further discussion - eg, the "behind the scenes" explanations - which might not be possible ONLY in gallery comments. Could we still have the feedback *discussion* thread even if our main comments on each photo are going in the gallery? We could link to specific images (and thus their comments) instead of doing lists/collages as in the past and that way keep the specific comments and traffic going to the gallery.
If that's going to cause more confusion or is simply a goofy idea by all means smack me down, but I really love the digressions and tangents in the discussion threads as well as the critiques and comments!
And, most importantly, thanks again for all you do The Photo Section
I agree with divamum that it might be nice to keep a "discussion" thread and or a "behind the scenes" type of thread for the non-critique type of conversation that would be difficult to conduct in the gallery format.
As always, thanks for all your time and effort to keep this whole production going!
You all are welcome to start any discussion threads you wish. That is what the forum is all about!
I'm simply saying that the only feedback thread I'll be starting is a link to the gallery. If the gallery is used well, it'll be great. If not, it'll get nixed.
Considering that the link to the gallery has to be posted somewhere, I would think we could use the thread Emily uses to link the gallery as a discussion thread.
Camera Gear: Canon 400D (XTi), 18-55 f/3.5-5.6, 75-300 f/4.0-5.6, 70-200 f/4 L, 50 f/1.8 II
The use of galleries is meant to be a really great thing and I'm super excited about its possibilities. I just need you all to let me know that it is something you want too. I want everyone to have fun with these challenges, as well as to learn and grow, so please keep the ideas coming!
no negativity seen by me...
a month sick? yuck!!!
im sorry, hope you get it fixed!!! its not the water is it? or mold in the vents...?
i have concern! its hard enough understanding you British without a stuffy head cold ...:D
Thanks again, Emily.
Oh bog off, you ruddy toss pot! (Said with friendly fondness, of course
Thanks. Like I said, I feel ick, so my rose colored glasses are quite tarnished. know I was wondering something...
We have the Mega-Challenge coming up with a potential of 35 entrants. There's some doubles in there, so that's about 30 or so. At the same time we'll have Round 13. With the holidays here (at least in the US) and lower entry numbers, Round 13 could be really small on entrants. Just something to think about...
But what he's forgetting is that I'm a bilingual Angloyank too....
Aaron, you're surrounded!!!
Really? Yeah, but you're the one with class. I'm the Essex girl.
HA! Actually, I lived in Souf' east Lond'n as a child, so I can speak Estuawy wiv the best...
Ok, normal programming - in American - will now resume
surrounded by women....if that isnt any mans dream....:D
:giggle ok, fine....i will giggle at my own joke...
I guess it takes a male to understand that one...being surrounded by women muttering incomprehensible statements doesn't sound like my kind of fun. Oh men never understand us...never mind...
What do you expect when you take a great language and stuff it up
Is that another way of saying "get stuffed"?
Excellent reply, Emily!! :giggle
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
Sorry for creating extra work for you...
And thanks for all you do!