reminders that you only have "x" days left to purchase prints
Does SM have reminders like this similar to Pictage? I think Pictage leaves an event up for 90 days, and sends out reminders to everyone who has viewed the event that it expires in one week when it reaches that time.
I've seen that auto reminder spur additional sales. If SM does it, can someone please explain to me how to set this up on my site.
Thank you!
I've seen that auto reminder spur additional sales. If SM does it, can someone please explain to me how to set this up on my site.
Thank you!
Sheba Wheeler -- Picture Your World Photography
We don't have those reminders because we never remove photos from your account.
You would have to send out those emails yourself unfortunately. & smugmug
Well I found a tool but I'm not sure if I like it. Here is a link to my first (very rough) attempt:
Here is a link to the tool
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Small businesses have lots of options for them, but unfortunately most cost money. You can read more around CRM or Customer Relationship Management software. Office Live Small Businesss has a free version of a contact manager that can automate the sending out of mails to your customers. Just one thought off the top of my head.
Hey Mark neato idea
I don't care for that particular counter... need something to compliment photography and flow with the site & gallery. Noticable but not obtrusive... hmmmmmm.... sounds like a job for some smug developers or something... I'll keep my eyes out and post if I find any such counter though.
Edit: Added thought... If someone could develop some such counter that could automatically change the gallery to password protected (archived) when it expired... now that would be so wayyyyyy cool.
I think it's a great start though Mark! Very cool idea and something for the SM Customization gods to work on definitely!
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I think this is a great idea! I would put a different spin on it though.
Right now I mark down my prints 25% for 30 days. Then I have to manually go set the pricing back on all of the galleries to the default price.
If we could just enter a date in our control panel that a gallery would set back to default pricing... that would be great! Whatya think?
BTW, since I've been doing this 25% 30 day sale approach I have netted over $3,000 in print sales. Last year I did not do this and I had sales of less than $200 for the entire year! Do it! Even if it's a manual process! It's worth it.