FireFox Issues

I am at a workshop today using lab computers and my sites homepage slideshow does not work in FireFox. Works in IE with no problems.
It does not come up on any of the lab computers with FF 2.0.
It works on my home computer on FF 3.
Can anybody tell me why this is? I have had clients tell me this before but when I checked from home it worked so I assumed it was their problem. I would like it to work on all platforms of course.
It does not come up on any of the lab computers with FF 2.0.
It works on my home computer on FF 3.
Can anybody tell me why this is? I have had clients tell me this before but when I checked from home it worked so I assumed it was their problem. I would like it to work on all platforms of course.
I don't see any issues in FF2. Could the lab computers not have flash installed? You can go here to see what version of Flash is installed in your FF2 browser.
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I worked fine on the IE browsers on the same computers. The slideshow would not work on the 20+ other networked computers when using FF.
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OK, that was probably the problem. I just thought that if it was enabled on IE it would the same on FF.
I was attending a MS Expression web workshop, there were over 20 people in the workshop in a classroom with networked computers. I do not believe flash was blocked or disabled because we viewed several sites during the day and mine SM site on FF was the only one with issues.
Did you try the link I posted that will see if flash is working in your browser?
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I will not be going back to that computer lab for a week. I will try it then. But if it is working in IE should it not also be working in FF? Flash is flash is it not?
It had to be another problem, but it affected my SM site specifically and no others we viewed.
Flash is a plug-in to the browser. I can easily be installed properly in one browser and not in another on the same system. For example, if you install flash, then install a new browser, that new browser may not pick up flash until you reinstall flash so it realizes it needs to install itself in the new browser.
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Here's the exception I made for the flash bit:*
This was written up in a wiki page somewhere and took a bit of digging to find.
And a 32-bit one at that. It will install nicely and only work if you run the browser in 32-bit mode... :bash