I've seen a few of Jeff's shots and they look like they are HDR, but they are not. He has a very interesting technique when he does his PP that atleast I wish he would share. *wink wink, hint hint*
I've seen a few of Jeff's shots and they look like they are HDR, but they are not. He has a very interesting technique when he does his PP that atleast I wish he would share. *wink wink, hint hint*
@ Jeff
Great shot of the boy! Any pics of the kill?
No deer this season. Bummer.
As for the technique, it's really just a combination of adjustments and filters in Capture NX2. For the contrast toning I use one of Nik Software's Color Efex 3.0 filters. I really love that set of filters they have.
More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it] Jeff Meyers
Although this being posted on a photography forum does lead to the interesting difference of how some of us shoot wildlife (with cameras) to capture their beauty. And then there are some of you that shoot the same animals (with very "sporting" high powered rifles) just to murder them.
Although this being posted on a photography forum does lead to the interesting difference of how some of us shoot wildlife (with cameras) to capture their beauty. And then there are some of you that shoot the same animals (with very "sporting" high powered rifles) just to murder them.
Although this being posted on a photography forum does lead to the interesting difference of how some of us shoot wildlife (with cameras) to capture their beauty. And then there are some of you that shoot the same animals (with very "sporting" high powered rifles) just to murder them.
Mighty Hunter? I think not.
While a part of me understands your sentiments, to hunt or not to hunt is a complex issue, and way to lengthy for a photo forum.
I also don't think this is a place for heated political type topics, but that said your salmon, beef stakes, and chicken breasts are not made in a star trek replicator all nicely sealed in plastic.
As for the technique, it's really just a combination of adjustments and filters in Capture NX2. For the contrast toning I use one of Nik Software's Color Efex 3.0 filters. I really love that set of filters they have.
While a part of me understands your sentiments, to hunt or not to hunt is a complex issue, and way to lengthy for a photo forum.
I also don't think this is a place for heated political type topics, but that said your salmon, beef stakes, and chicken breasts are not made in a star trek replicator all nicely sealed in plastic.
I am not so naive that I don't understand where meat comes from. I understand factory farming a great deal actually. I also have seen first hand the damage cattle does to our state parks. In New Mexico, where I currently reside, ranchers are allowed to pay a ridiculously small fee to have their stock graze on park land. Not only does their voracious appetite destroy the vegetation, but they force the small amount of animals out of the park in order to look for food elsewhere. To add insult to injury the few predators that still exist in our parks get killed for eating the ranchers cattle. I don't support any of these practices as much as possible because I consume no meat and I wear no leather. Although I should add I still pay taxes which go towards subsidizing your cheeseburger.
I can certainly appreciate the need for hunting when there was no other food source available, however that time has long since passed.
Don't post photos of your homicidal barbarous "hobby" and expect me not to comment on it. Don't try to marginalize my opinions by telling me to get some class.
I am not so naive that I don't understand where meat comes from. I understand factory farming a great deal actually. I also have seen first hand the damage cattle does to our state parks. In New Mexico, where I currently reside, ranchers are allowed to pay a ridiculously small fee to have their stock graze on park land. Not only does their voracious appetite destroy the vegetation, but they force the small amount of animals out of the park in order to look for food elsewhere. To add insult to injury the few predators that still exist in our parks get killed for eating the ranchers cattle. I don't support any of these practices as much as possible because I consume no meat and I wear no leather. Although I should add I still pay taxes which go towards subsidizing your cheeseburger.
I can certainly appreciate the need for hunting when there was no other food source available, however that time has long since passed.
Don't post photos of your homicidal barbarous "hobby" and expect me not to comment on it. Don't try to marginalize my opinions by telling me to get some class.
Good stuff man.... There is a time and a place to voice your ridiculous views, here is not the place and definitely not now when the Jeff is posting a photo of his son. Spew your garbage somewhere else.
A very nice capture, and a photograph that will surely become more important to him in later years.
My son(22) hunts often, and has taken up bow hunting this year. I lost my appetite to wait them out in the freezing cold long ago, but he promises to let me know when the deer begin to move a bit so that I can come sit the stand with a camera.
I hope to come away with something as nicely done as yours.
A very nice capture, and a photograph that will surely become more important to him in later years.
My son(22) hunts often, and has taken up bow hunting this year. I lost my appetite to wait them out in the freezing cold long ago, but he promises to let me know when the deer begin to move a bit so that I can come sit the stand with a camera.
I hope to come away with something as nicely done as yours.
Thank you! I'm taking more pictures these days than hunting myself. Even when I go along with the guys, I let the younger guys get up in the dark. I'm their "official" photographer!
More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it] Jeff Meyers
He will definately love this shot when he gets older. Love the PP treatment and like the last doe pic too. Colorfull..
The land I lease to hunt is inaccessible right now. The timber company thought it would be wise to drive a skidder down the main road to it in October after plenty of rain. Now they can't even get on it until things dry up next spring/summer. Go figure.
Another place I hunt had the most amazing thing show up a month or so ago, a pure albino. She's gorgeous and we've named her Pearl. We built her a covered feeding trough, which she frequents daily, and leave her lots of goodies in hopes that she doesn't wander off to where she'll be shot. We can't hunt the area since it's now baited, but will be worth it if I can get decent pics of her. The longest lens I have is my 70-200 F4L IS, and I haven't had her within range of it, yet. I'm off work this weekend and hoping she comes close enough.
The last shot of the deer with all the pink and red is so beautiful and the green pops so well. He's a cute one too, that'll make him tastier. Venison lasagne is delicious.
Actually, I'm in St. Louis, MO. I was in Iowa a few weeks ago and shot a bunch of fall picts. This one was shot in Missouri. Sorry to disappoint!
Jeff Meyers
Good shot, did he bag one yet
Didn't even see any this time. He got a 6-pointer a few years ago during youth hunt.
No HDR. Just some contrast toning in the shadow and mid-tone regions.
Jeff Meyers
I've seen a few of Jeff's shots and they look like they are HDR, but they are not. He has a very interesting technique when he does his PP that atleast I wish he would share. *wink wink, hint hint*
@ Jeff
Great shot of the boy! Any pics of the kill?
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
No deer this season. Bummer.
As for the technique, it's really just a combination of adjustments and filters in Capture NX2. For the contrast toning I use one of Nik Software's Color Efex 3.0 filters. I really love that set of filters they have.
Jeff Meyers
Although this being posted on a photography forum does lead to the interesting difference of how some of us shoot wildlife (with cameras) to capture their beauty. And then there are some of you that shoot the same animals (with very "sporting" high powered rifles) just to murder them.
Mighty Hunter? I think not.
If he is hunting alone who took the picture?
I captured the image in the late afternoon as he was headed out to the stand by himself. It was his first time alone in the stand.
It wasn't my intent to offend those who oppose hunting.
Jeff Meyers
You are silly
Have some class.
While a part of me understands your sentiments, to hunt or not to hunt is a complex issue, and way to lengthy for a photo forum.
I also don't think this is a place for heated political type topics, but that said your salmon, beef stakes, and chicken breasts are not made in a star trek replicator all nicely sealed in plastic.
It does the trick. Looks really nice.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
I am not so naive that I don't understand where meat comes from. I understand factory farming a great deal actually. I also have seen first hand the damage cattle does to our state parks. In New Mexico, where I currently reside, ranchers are allowed to pay a ridiculously small fee to have their stock graze on park land. Not only does their voracious appetite destroy the vegetation, but they force the small amount of animals out of the park in order to look for food elsewhere. To add insult to injury the few predators that still exist in our parks get killed for eating the ranchers cattle. I don't support any of these practices as much as possible because I consume no meat and I wear no leather. Although I should add I still pay taxes which go towards subsidizing your cheeseburger.
I can certainly appreciate the need for hunting when there was no other food source available, however that time has long since passed.
Don't post photos of your homicidal barbarous "hobby" and expect me not to comment on it. Don't try to marginalize my opinions by telling me to get some class.
Good stuff man.... There is a time and a place to voice your ridiculous views, here is not the place and definitely not now when the Jeff is posting a photo of his son. Spew your garbage somewhere else.
My son(22) hunts often, and has taken up bow hunting this year. I lost my appetite to wait them out in the freezing cold long ago, but he promises to let me know when the deer begin to move a bit so that I can come sit the stand with a camera.
I hope to come away with something as nicely done as yours.
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<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
Thank you! I'm taking more pictures these days than hunting myself. Even when I go along with the guys, I let the younger guys get up in the dark. I'm their "official" photographer!
Jeff Meyers
Great capture, Sam. The only deer I "shot" this week was this doe running away from me.
Jeff Meyers
The land I lease to hunt is inaccessible right now. The timber company thought it would be wise to drive a skidder down the main road to it in October after plenty of rain. Now they can't even get on it until things dry up next spring/summer. Go figure.
Another place I hunt had the most amazing thing show up a month or so ago, a pure albino. She's gorgeous and we've named her Pearl. We built her a covered feeding trough, which she frequents daily, and leave her lots of goodies in hopes that she doesn't wander off to where she'll be shot. We can't hunt the area since it's now baited, but will be worth it if I can get decent pics of her. The longest lens I have is my 70-200 F4L IS, and I haven't had her within range of it, yet. I'm off work this weekend and hoping she comes close enough.
Thank you.
Nice shot, Jeff. The PP is pretty unique.