So y'al know about my Knotaloon jokes, but that is because I love loons.:lust At least I think I would if I could ever get to see them face to face in the wild. That said, do any of you know where I might find them. :scratch Obviously, I would prefer the shortest distance of travel. Are there any loons in AZ? :dunno
Look in the mirror?
(sorry, I just had to!)
Shooter on a shoestring.
I guess I did set myself up for that
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Pacific Loon,
Common Loon,
Yellow-billed Loon
Unfortunately, the article did not state where they are located in AZ.
Shooter on a shoestring.
LA isn't that far!
I know I've been looking. Thanks Cato. Let me know if you figure out where and when.
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If I have to go to Alberta to find loons, I will go. I must be loony :ivar
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never been to Arizona, so I can't be of any help
maybe find a bird watching group online that has knowledge of AZ and ask there?
Which one did you like best?
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I used to live in Arizona but I can't ever recall any loons there (out in the wild that is - I lived in Phoenix but those aren't the kind you are looking for).
According to Sibley's you should have the Common Loon migrating through with an occasional Pacific Loon (rare) or Yellow-billed Loon (rarer still).
Like was previously suggested, follow the birding reports for Arizona and surrounding states. Local birders are always a good source for anything unusual flying through.
This link should be a good place to start......
Postings from the Arizona - New Mexico Birding List
For a sure opportunity a vacation in Canada in the summer or a trip to Rocky Point in winter are your best bets.
Hope this helps.
Thanks you so much Kevin. I'm clearly not a birder, but I do love bird photos. The Sweetwater Wetlands is posted on that site, and I had just discovered it. People are always inviting me to Rocky Point, and I had no interest. Maybe I'll go to see loons. More likely, a trip to Alberta might be in my future.
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