Poster Sales
For those of you that may be selling custom posters through Smugmug, how are you handling the sales? I prefer to not start a custom poster project until I've received the money. I would like the customer to be able to choose the image(s) that they want utilized in the poster, and pay through Smugmug if possible, prior to me starting the project. Is there a way to set up a category for custom work so that the customer can pay for something that is not yet created, and then proof online, approve and then have it shipped? I've thought about getting paid via Paypal, and then having the final product available online for proofing. Then I have to deal with ordering and delivering the product. I would much prefer if it could all be done online.
Any suggestions?
Any suggestions?
Canon 1D Mark IIN
Canon 350D
24-70 2.8L
70-200 2.8L IS
580EX II
1.4x Extender
Gitzo 3531 w/ RRS BH-55 Ballhead
RRS L-Plate, quick release clamp and plates
Canon 350D
24-70 2.8L
70-200 2.8L IS
580EX II
1.4x Extender
Gitzo 3531 w/ RRS BH-55 Ballhead
RRS L-Plate, quick release clamp and plates
This is something I've been thinking about, but haven't done yet. Maybe someone out there is actually doing it somehow and will chime in.
My Galleries
I'm not sure how much luck you will have getting them to pay you before they have seen the final product. Hopefully you have the photoshop skills to create templates to cut down on your time. I am able to do the magazine covers in about 10 minutes now so I am not investing a huge amount of time up front. I sell them pretty cheap but I find that most people order other prints as well.
link to magazine cover samples:
link to custom cards gallery (with pre-pay function):