First the Shootout then an Art Show!

CavalierPhotoCavalierPhoto Registered Users Posts: 233 Major grins
edited November 27, 2008 in The Big Picture
WooHoo!! Liz and I are in on next years Shootout!

And on top of that, I got these two photos (one taken during the 2008 Shootout and one post 2008 Shootout but still during the same trip) accepted to the Simply Photography show at the Artworks Gallery in Richmond, VA. The show runs from Friday November 28th through January 18th, 2009.

More details on the show (and the gallery) can be found here,

The email notices came almost back to back. :D

This one was at the Red Cliffs Lodge during the shootout, IR long exposure at night on the deck by the river

This one was just outside Salt Lake City on route 80 west near the Great Salt Lake

Rest of the gallery can be found here,


  • schmooschmoo Registered Users Posts: 8,468 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2008
    Chris, congratulations!!! that's thrilling to hear - and also that the shots were taken in such familiar locations for all 60-ish of us. :D

    I hope next year's shootout is similarly (or even more) successful. thumb.gif
  • CavalierPhotoCavalierPhoto Registered Users Posts: 233 Major grins
    edited November 25, 2008
    schmoo wrote:
    Chris, congratulations!!! that's thrilling to hear - and also that the shots were taken in such familiar locations for all 60-ish of us. :D

    I hope next year's shootout is similarly (or even more) successful. thumb.gif

    Thank you Stephanie :D

    I was just having some fun with the long exposure stuff and came up with the lamp post one which was kind of a surprise.

    I'm really looking forward to whatever surprises may lay ahead for next years shootout.biggrinbounce2.gif Should be really cool.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited November 25, 2008
    Congrats on the gallery! W00t!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • CavalierPhotoCavalierPhoto Registered Users Posts: 233 Major grins
    edited November 27, 2008
    ian408 wrote:
    Congrats on the gallery! W00t!

    Thanks Ian and Happy Thanksgiving!
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