Our New Dog - Wheaten Terrier Mix

My husband and I recently signed up as foster parents for a local pet adoption agency. We failed at our first attempt, deciding to keep this dog within about 2 days of bringing her home. She and our other dog are both 2 years old and they play all day long! The new one is "Josie" and we've been told she is a Wheaten Terrier mix. We think she looks like the shaggy dog from the movies, though darker color.
#1 - In keeping with my current artistic exploration

#2 - Outdoor portrait
#1 - In keeping with my current artistic exploration

#2 - Outdoor portrait

FWIW, the "Shaggy Dog" from the movie of the same name is a Bearded Collie (we have one) - your newcomer looks like what is in BC land commonly called a "neardie", ie a dog which isn't obviously a Beardie, but looks like they may have some in their mix somewhere; her eyes and nose certainly suggest she might have some Beardie in her somewhere along the way (they come in brown, too)
For some info on the breed http://beardie.net/bcca/ (and they don't ALWAYS look like they do when all brushed out for showing!! They far more frequently look like adorable scruffmonsters, to wit our own guy (he's an old man now, and we keep his coat clipped to "puppy cut" to help keep it manageable)
(not a great photo - it was my first day with the 1.8 50mm and I was experimenting with low light with the only cooperative model in the house... lol)
Diva - I definitely see the resemblance to the Beardie. Maybe I will have to get one of those DNA tests done and see what she has. Our other dog is even more of a mystery. Maybe I'll post her pic sometime.
Azzaro - I just started last week playing with my zoom and some long exposures. I saw a description in one of Brenda Tharp's books and gave it a try. Just pick a subject, set a fairly long shutter speed (I've used anywhere from 1.5sec to 1/30), click, and turn the zoom. I've tried it both in and out, starting at distance and starting up close. I've mostly used it on flowers; this was the first time with a creature. I've thrown away a LOT more than I have kept--but that's one of the benefits of digital!
Thanks, all!
Lauren Blackwell
Awwwwwwwww she's cute, love the look on her face in image #2
Look at those eyes
I probably would keep her too
Well I adopted a cat last year, rather I should say she adopted me
We have a wonderful understanding, I do what she wants, and we all get on just fine
Enjoy your new pet, she looks adorable.. congratulations on your new family member
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Nice use of photo effect. Did you do that in camera?
Lauren Blackwell