Over the past weekend, the extreme right wing in Madrid held their annual demonstration commemorating the death of Francisco Franco. Most of the old guard fascists are very old, but they have some support from younger skinhead types as well as others who do not look the part.

There were probably a thousand people at the demonstration, but I'm guessing that about half were just curiosity seekers.

They have not been a significant political force within Spain for at least twenty years, but they still freak me out some. They remind me how thin the veneer of civilization really is.


There were probably a thousand people at the demonstration, but I'm guessing that about half were just curiosity seekers.

They have not been a significant political force within Spain for at least twenty years, but they still freak me out some. They remind me how thin the veneer of civilization really is.

The speaker below is Blas Piñar, one of the leaders of the extreme right in post-Franco times. I don't recognize the guys in the lower left, but they look like they might have been extras in a horror movie from the thirties. Or maybe in the real horrors of the thirties.

Thanks for looking. C&C always welcome.

Thanks for looking. C&C always welcome.
thank you for much for sharing!
The last picture, the capture of the guy with Nikon, black leather jacket, and his left pinkie off, the one who looks like a gestapo tug, is absolutely priceless..
People like these are freaking scary. They seem to crawl out of the woodwork no matter where you live.
Thanks for sharing, and keeping us informed. I'd be interested in what the guys were saying, though I do have to confess my skin is crawling.
I was almost fooled without reading your words. A cool series in deed.
Heather: Your skin would crawl even more if you knew what they were saying. Creepy, creepy, creepy. I was pretty upset by the time I got home.
Good luck, bsvirginian
<o:p> </o:p>
If I remember correctly, <st1:country-region><st1:place>Spain</st1:place></st1:country-region> has not been a Republic since the 1930s. Buy hey; you can’t expect a man with future Presidential aspirations to trouble himself with the “minor” distinctions between a Republic, <st1:place><st1:PlaceName>Fascist</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType>State</st1:PlaceType></st1:place>, or Constitutional Monarchy.<o:p></o:p>
Uh, don't look now but:
I think many gov'ts ascribe to a hidden agenda that would take up this mantle in a heartbeat if left unchecked! That being said, thanks Richard for bringing this to light (the cheapest antiinfective).
Yeah, its all creepy and such, but I try not to forget the past and with that their right to free assembly in this country and yours. Also that is another cherished right I do support, and have served my time for. Fortunately most times these folks eschew the intelligencia or the uber mench.